Want to make monograms on your own but don’t know how to make them? Scroll till the end of this article to find out all that you need to know.

Do you love making things by yourself rather than buying them? Do you want to do the same when it comes to monograms? But one question might perplex you. What is the proper way to format a monogram because the order of the letters is confusing, but don’t let the monogram etiquettes scare you! There are numerous ways to personalize them! Let me walk you through all the types of monograms and how you can add monograms to various things. You’ll soon be able to monogram everything! Just read until the end of this article to become a monogram expert!
What Are The Things You Can Monogram?
Everything from robes and jewelry to doormats can be personalized with your initials. However, this does not mean that you should include them in everything. Personalization can make a big difference if used correctly.
Assume you have many things on your dining table: You could monogram your wine glasses, wedding china, flatware, and linens, but would you want your Thanksgiving turkey competing for attention? Choose one or two personalized items, such as napkins or silver flatware, that can be easily swapped (heirloom pieces are always a good choice). You can also monogram your clothes, or you can buy customizable monogrammed clothing from shops. The best selling customizable monogrammed clothing has various eye-catching images or graphics monogrammed on them. Consider this when registering for gifts. Strive for small touches of personalization.
How Should You Add a Monogram?
If you’re registering for a monogrammed gift, then you need to make sure that you include the preferred initials on your wish list, so guests don’t have to guess which way to arrange the letters. Here are some pointers for some of the most commonly monogrammed items.

It’s best to use a man’s or woman’s monogram when purchasing paper for them. Choose their shared monogram if you hope the couple will use the paper for joint correspondence. When the wife keeps her maiden name, a single last/married name initial, hyphenated initials, or double last name initials are used.
For towels, napkins, or other linens, many people prefer a single last name initial. Towels are usually marked at the centre of one end, so the monogram can be seen when the towel is hung on a rack. When monogramming sheets and pillowcases, a single initial is usually preferred. Only the top sheet is monogrammed, and it is done so that the letter can be read from the foot of the bed when the sheet is folded down. Monograms are typically placed near the hem of pillowcases. The centre of each long side of a tablecloth is monogrammed. If the cloth is square, it is monogrammed in one corner; circle tablecloths have a centred monogram near the hem. One corner of the napkin is marked diagonally.
The shape and size of the flatware handle frequently determine the type of monogram used. Because it takes up the least amount of space, the last initial is used the most. In some cases, a couple’s initials will be stacked in an inverted triangle shape, with the woman and man’s first initials on the top and their last initials below.
Monograms are available on a few china patterns too. These are usually plain plates or ones with a basic branded design that lends itself to a monogram. A joint monogram or single last name initial is used in most cases, especially for weddings. Instead of monogramming every piece of china, an accent plate or charger is frequently used.
Types of Monograms

Most monograms fall into one of two categories: those with all of the letters the same size and those with the centre initial larger. If all of the letters are the same size (also known as the block), initials are arranged in the same manner as your name: first, middle, and last.
If the monogram has a larger centre initial, the first name, last name, and middle name are always ordered in a similar fashion. As a result, Elizabeth’s monogram is ESB, and Charles’ monogram is CSW. This style monogram is commonly used to personalize women’s items; most men prefer the simpler block style. However, when it comes to joint or couple monograms, the larger centre initial style is almost always used.
Customized Monograms
Simple monograms can be made into more complex designs—hand-lettering and illustration can bring any set of letters to life. A letterer or illustrator creates custom monograms, which frequently include linking characters with scrolls or other designs. Some modern monograms even include small images or graphics of things that represent the individual or couple. These pieces of art appear to be family crests rather than alphabet snippets.
Couple Monograms

Many couples choose to monogram items with both of their initials on them. This is especially popular for barware, stationery, and linens.
Joint monograms are simple to do when the bride takes on the surname of the groom. Mostly the woman’s first name initial is the first to come, with the shared last name initial following, and the man’s first initial after that. For instance, “Elizabeth Brown Smith” and “Charles William Smith” would use ESC in their joint monogram, which would be the centre initial that would be slightly larger than the other two.
If the bride and groom share a hyphenated last name, a hyphen will appear in the monogram as well. For example, the Brown-Smith couple is named Elizabeth Grace Brown and Charles William Smith; their monogram would be E B-S C. If the bride chooses to keep her given name, the couple’s monogram will be dual initials only, with the two last name initials separated by a dot, a diamond, or another design element of their choosing. The monogram is distinguished from a hyphenated last name monogram by this feature. “Elizabeth Grace Brown” and “Charles William Smith”, for example, would share B*S their monogram
As per tradition, the joint or married monogram should be used only after the couple is legally married. In other words, don’t include a shared monogram on your wedding programs, but do include it on your dinner menus. I assume the meal is served post “I do”.
Adding monograms to something can only increase its beauty if you know how to do it properly. I also believe this article has given you enough knowledge to do so. All the best for monogramming things!