Our visit to London last week offered up the perfect opportunity to pay a visit to the #TowerPoppies. From the moment that I saw them online I knew I had to pay them a visit. On the one hand they are beautiful sight to behold but on the other hand it’s so sad to think about their meaning, to think that each one of those represents the life of a fallen soldier. Hubby and I tried to buy a Poppy but sadly we were too late as they were already sold out.

Rather foolishly of me I didn’t expect it to be as busy as it was so it was a little difficult to squeeze in amongst the crowds with a double pushchair but with a little patience from me and my boys batting their long eyelashes at the ladies we managed to find the odd spot here and there to take some pictures.

We even managed to find a bench in the sunshine to sit and eat our picnic. Beanie Boy was completely taken by the Poppies but no matter how many times I told him they were Poppies, he kept saying “the roses are sooo pretty”.

The weather was very changeable as London was experiencing the tail end of Hurricane Gonzalo. To say that it was blustery would be an understatement but when then sun came out it was beautiful. The Poppies looked amazing and changed colour with the lighting from a beautiful bright red, to a deep dark red in the shade.
Beanie Boy instantly recognised The Shard and excitedly said “we went up there Mummy”.

I love Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast so this spot on London Bridge was perfect to grab a quick pic before we were blown across the Bridge. At one point the wind blew so hard it almost tipped the double buggy onto it’s side but thankfully a passing couple managed to help me grab it just in time!

Even Kings Cross was wearing it’s Poppy with Pride. We shall never forget!