Benefits of wearing perfumes – #MondayMeTime


I can’t actually remember when my love affair with perfumes began but I’m guessing it was watching my Mum spraying herself with beautiful fragrances when I was a child. Now that I am an adult I have a whole shelf full of perfumes which I wear according to my mood or occasion. Have you ever … Read more

Diabetes Signs to Look Out for As You Age


Diabetes is a condition that causes a sufferer’s blood sugar to reach dangerous levels. This happens due to the pancreas’s inability to produce insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. The reason for insufficient insulin production varies between the two forms of diabetes: Diabetes Signs to Look Out for As You Age The risk of … Read more

15 Minute Self Care Activities plus GIVEAWAY!

15 minute self care activities

Do you do 15 minute self care activities daily? Everyone I speak to says the same thing “I just don’t have time” or “I don’t know where the time goes?” Sound familiar? The need for Self Care I have read all the books, blog posts and leaflets advising that you can’t be everything to everyone … Read more