Let the summertime begin!

We really like these new warmer weather spells we’re getting, it just makes you feel better, brighter and more inclined to get outside and enjoy it. As a family we are always on the go, apart from our #familyfilmnight once a week we rarely just chill out together, we are always ‘going’ somewhere to do ‘something’. Yesterday I made the very unusual decision after dropping the children at school that I wouldn’t shut myself away indoors with my laptop whilst Jelly Bean was sleeping, instead, I dug out my sun lounger and set myself up an ‘outdoor office’ and then this happened . . .


Yes, the clouds came over and stayed there for the next 2-3 hours until it was time to pick the tiddlers up, but I didn’t mind as we had plans for after school anyway . . .

after school

We met up with our good friends Karin, Ella and Sam for a picnic and play at a local park. The children had a blast and Karin had the chance to catch up and put a few plans into action.


This is Karin doing ‘Bulldog’ with Sammy, apparently, her Dad used to do this to her when she was little. My Beans wanted me to do this, but I have a fear I wouldn’t run fast enough and would end up with a swing in my head!


After the park, we retreated to Karin’s back garden for a final playtime before heading home to start the weekend with Daddy.

Our day began this morning with a visit from TalkTalk for me (broadband issues thanks to BT) and a swimming lesson for Little Bean.

I grabbed the opportunity to get out on my bicycle for the first time in years, and I amazed myself. As I cycled off the drive, I said to Hubby, “I shall probably be back in 5 minutes”, but I felt surprisingly good and a little over 5 miles later, I returned home, still feeling good! I was very happy to be able to take this photograph (on my phone), which is a scene I see most days and always think to myself ‘I should take a photograph of that’ and today I did.


Then, as the morning progressed, our plans to head out for the day dwindled because the sun was shining, and for once, we figured it would be just as much fun to stay home and do . . . absolutely NOTHING!


Hubby connected the hose and filled up the paddling pools for the Beans with warm water, and they had a blast. As soon as they started to get a little cold, he topped them up with more warm water, and they ended up staying in for about 2 hours whilst Hubby and I enjoyed just lazing in the sunshine.


Jelly Bean got cold quicker than the others, so he came out and snuggled with Daddy on the blanket before having lovely long cuddles with me on the sun lounger and enjoying a spot of lunch. We did pop out for an hour at the end of the day and then dropped Beanie Boy off to Nanna’s house for a sleepover. Our day we have ended with a #familyfilmnight with Little Bean and Jelly Bean watching Mulan—the perfect end to a lovely lazy day outdoors. Let the summertime begin!!

What did you do?

2 thoughts on “Let the summertime begin!”

  1. Hooray for the sunshine and great family fun outdoors! What a great start to the weekend having a picnic with friends at the park. As you say you don’t have to go further than your own back garden for some outdoor fun. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  2. That photo of that house on a creek is so poetic. I love it. So artsy. Thanks for sharing =) #countrykids


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