A couple of weeks ago once we had dropped Little Bean at school, the boys and I hopped on a train down to a very wet and gloomy London to see the new range of travel solutions from Diono who have recently teamed up with Little Tikes to create a fab range of nursery product for home and travel.
“Diono has a great track record for developing products for families that provide safety, comfort and convenience,” stated Rachael Springett, International Marketing and Licensing Director, Little Tikes®. “Little Tikes® is now one of the leading preschool toy brands and by adding our name to their trusted line of products, we’re making sure that parents not only think of Little Tikes when it comes to play, but also when it comes to well-being and comfort both at home and when travelling.”
I was particularly interested to see their product range since my car has recently become a major focus of attention for our family. Jelly Bean is now 9 months old and will soon be looking to move into a forward facing car seat and so I will need to get my car a little more organised. I drive a Honda FRV which is a six seater car with two rows of three seats. At the moment, Jelly Bean sits in the front of the car with me but when he moves into a forward facing seat he will need to sit in the back with the tiddlers meaning they will lose their middle seat where they store all of their rubbish toys, boys, crayons and treasures. One product which really caught my eye was the car seat mat which is dual purpose in that it protect my car seats from being marked by their car seat bases and has pockets which had down the front of the seats big enough to hold pens, books and snacks. The other product which would work really well in conjunction with the seat mat is the Lifestyle kick mat which protects the back of the front seats from little ones’ dirty shoes which are like a magnet for seat backs and feature storage pockets at the top to keep their treasures close at hand.
At the time that Jelly Bean moves up into a forward facing car seat, I will also need to move Little Bean into a more compact booster seat because unfortunately I will be unable to fit three of my current car seats side by side across the back seat. I would prefer to keep her in a booster seat with an integrated back for as long as possible to keep her well protected but they do a range of seats with or without the backs. They also do seats with cup holders which are a great idea – my husband need never get fed up with me again if I had the full range of organisation products from Diono and Little Tikes because they have thought of everything.
As the winter months are fast approaching there was one accessory which caught everyone’s eye for more reasons than that for which it was designed and that’s the Warm’n’Go bottle warmer made from stretchy neoprene fabric which plugs into the cigarette lighter. Obviously it’s intended use it to warm up a baby’s bottle but us clever Mummies thought it would also been great for keeping our coffee warm or even warming up hands on a cold winter’s morning after scraping an icy windscreen!!
If you’re a regular reader of Mummy Matters you may recall my previous Diono review of my Buggy Buddy which is still going strong today and comes in so handy. I have received so many compliments on what a clever idea it is.
From September 2013 many of their new products became available in major UK retailers Tesco and Halfords. All the products are currently only available in plain fabrics but from early next year the brightly coloured Little Tikes coloured accessories will also be in the shops. The friendly faces and vibrant colours are really attractive to children.
I have one Lifestyle Kick Mat to giveaway to a lucky Mummy Matters reader, just follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!!
It looks great and well thought of with the needs is a child considered sure my daughter would love it
with 2 boys in the back of the car i need all the helpi can get to stop muddy foot prints on the car seat & toys, food & bottles littered everywhere!!!!
My son is always getting in the car with dirty feet and kicking the seats – this looks great!
It looks great and would save my car seats!
would love to win to keep my seats clean
Because I want to win it for my little baby nephew Barney
to protect my car seats
Would really like to win for my daughter, so fed up of all her mess in the car, and yet again cleaned the car again today, it is becoming a once a week chore
My friends car seat is all dirty so this would help!
My car is very messy with 3 children! This would save on cleaning!!
Cos after hubby blew up my car he replaced it with one that has cream seats….not good with the amount of youngsters I ferry around with their muddy shoes
For my daughters car o stop the muddy marks
as I need to protect my car seats
because I am more than worth it
with a family of 4 and 3 dogs always travelling the car this might just save me a bit of cleaning time and seat kicking is popular in our car!
I would love to win this so my car stays cleaner this year
Thank you!
I would love to win for our little boy and to keep our nice clean car tidy!
Tigger is at the age where kicking the back of mummy’s seat is just the best source of entertainment in the car… if he must kick the seat at least I can keep it clean!
My car is very messy with my 3 monsters
My daughter is a right little kicker!!
I’ve got a 15 month old that is extremely active and a baby on the way in January. So winning this would be great to keep my sons grubby shoes off my my seat and I’m sure the handy pockets would mean we could be very organised, something I’m going to have to be with 2 under 2’s.
To protect my car seats
To protect the back of our car seats
What a genius idea – would love to save my car with this
I need this not only for my daughter who likes to sit with her feet up bt also my friends children who I give lifts too who constantly kick the back of my seats despite endlessly being told no!
I would love to win as my son often goes on long journeys to visit his nan in the car, this would be most useful.
To try and keep my car clean
my son keeps kicking the back of the seat with his muddy shoes so this would solve the problem
These would definately help save my car!
Protect our seats
to protect my car seats
to keep my car clean
my son is always making a mess in our car
because id love to hand my fella something that would make his car journeys easier with the kids !
It would really safe the car seats !
great product
well designed, think every car should have one,,, think it would be practical in our car!
My daughter is in the kicking stage and this would really come in handy to keep my seats clean
I do a lot of driving with my girls in the back, this would be perfect for storing essentials where they cant get lost and for keeping my car which is usually a pit tidy!!
I have a baby who doesn’t want to sleep so I read blogs to keep me awake. This is exactly what I need for my car
perfect for our upcoming holiday to keep my little ones bits neat and tidy and within reach and protect the back of my seat at the same time
My 9 months old daughter is getting a forward facing stage1 seat first and in a small car the front seat is due to suffer
I would love this because my sister has been so good to me and would really love it x
Be perfect fr my neighbours kids, espeically for our days out
perfect or the little ones
A family of four,
We have such fun,
that’s for sure,
This prize would be super!
I have been looking for one of these , graughter loves jumping in puddles