Women have a cyclic hormone fluctuation throughout their lives. This variation in hormone levels begins during puberty. Hormones spike during pregnancy, and levels drop drastically at menopause. This sudden rise and fall of hormones put you at risk of dental problems. Apart from hormone fluctuations, other health problems such as high blood sugar levels can also affect oral health conditions. However, proper oral care practices can curb the majority of your dental problems.
You must maintain proper oral hygiene during the various periods of your life to prevent tooth decay, dental cavities, and bad breath as well as retaining the white colour of your teeth. Let us have a look at the changes that occur in women’s bodies that alter oral health conditions.
1. Menstruation
When women are about to have their monthly period, many feel a general disturbance in their bodies, ranging from altered appetite, weird cravings for certain foods, and a depressed mood. A change in hormone levels during your menstrual cycle may worsen gum inflammation and development of sores at the corners of your mouth and increases the number of bacteria present in your mouth, which facilitate plaque formation and subsequent tooth decay. If you notice these symptoms, be sure to drop by a good dentist, like those from Sunshine State Dentistry to find out more.
2. Pregnancy
Women experience bodily changes during pregnancy. These changes come along with discomforts, including morning sickness, aches, tiredness, and hunger. These pregnancy problems divert women’s attention thus, pay little attention to their mouths, and as a result, many experience an increase in plaque accumulation that leads to tenderness, inflammation, and bleeding of the gums. A high concentration of pregnancy hormones also leads to an excessive accumulation of bacteria in the mouth.
Increased number of visits to a gynaecologist during pregnancy may make you forget dental appointments. Suppress cravings for sugary foods during pregnancy by taking fresh fruits or fresh homemade juices. Sugar is not suitable for health as well as your teeth.
3. Menopause
Menopause is one of the most dramatic periods of change experienced by a woman during her lifetime. During this stage, a woman’s hormones decline, and she eventually stops experiencing her menstrual periods. This stage of life may come along with distressing dental problems such as mouth ulcers and gum bleeding. These mouth problems happen because most women experience many disturbing symptoms that divert their attention to oral hygiene.
The good news is that most of the oral problems are preventable. Here are some ways that you can apply in the prevention of oral diseases:
Brush your teeth regularly
Cleaning your mouth using toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste removes food particles and bacteria. Fluoride is known for strengthening teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day to help reduce bacterial build-up in your mouth.
Visit a dentist at least once a year
A dentist helps in examining your mouth, detects a problem, and fixes them on time. Book up appointments with your dentist regularly. You do not have to worry about pain anymore because a dentist use medicines that minimize your pain perception and make you relax during any procedure. You might be asking, how can I find a sedation dentist near me? All you need is to search on the internet and find a dentist nearby. Talk with your dentist about your pain concerns and ways to make you more comfortable before the examination of your mouth begins.
Minimize sugar intake
Sugar is not only a sweetener; it is also a vital source of energy for our bodies. Despite these benefits, sugar is a teeth-destroyer. Bacteria in your mouth digest sugars and produce an acid that dissolves the tooth enamel.
Increase the intake of calcium
Include foods that are rich in calcium in your diet. This mineral helps in building healthy teeth. Ensure that you do not use teeth to open cola drink bottles or bite nails. Chewing foods like sugarcanes and carrots help strengthen your enamel.
Do not allow any change in your hormones interfere with your dental hygiene anymore; use the most straightforward interventions to prevent most of the big problems. Pain should not prevent you from having regular checkups anymore.