When it comes to gardening, I leave it all to Hubby. Don’t get me wrong, I love to see the garden looking nice but other than that, it’s his domain. The Beans (especially Little Bean) are starting to take a keen interest in it too, so I think it’s nice for them to have a shared interest.
When we moved into the house four years ago, our garden was nothing but a big muddy mess until we were kindly donated some turf by a friend who had also bought a new home but didn’t want the turf. We did a little turf transplantation and laid it in our back garden. To our joy, the majority of it took well and has only needed minor patching up ever since, but one thing we have really suffered with is large cracks appearing throughout the summer. The cracks are so big the Beans have often tripped up and twisted their ankles in them, so Hubby has been filling up the cracks and laying grass seed to repair it.

At the start of the summer, we were sent the Karcher Oscillating Sprinkler and Primo Flex Hose to review, and finally, this weekend, we were home long enough to put it to the test. When the Oscillating Sprinkler arrived, I could see the look of relief on his face as he would no longer have to stand out in the garden; each even watering the grass with just a watering can help him. I think the Beans will also get a lot of fun out of the Sprinkler too. We just need the hot weather to return.
Setting up the Karcher Oscillating Sprinkler and Primo Flex Hose was easy; all I had to do was sit inside and watch as Hubby did all the hard work! It took him just a few minutes to unravel the hose and attach it to the tap in our utility room with a universal hose connector which he purchased from our local DIY store. He attached the other end of the hose to the Sprinkler, and he was ready to go.
The Sprinkler has many settings depending on what you want it to do for you; you can set it to oscillate fully or just over a small area, open all jets, or use a couple all by just simply clicking the nozzle covers. It has a splash guard cover which you can pop up whilst you set up the Sprinkler to save you from getting a shower at the same time. There is a spike under the base that can be pushed down into the ground to stop the Sprinkler from moving (although ours hasn’t moved when in use). The Sprinkler features adjustable flow control enabling it to cover up to 320 m2.
The Primo Flex hose is a 3 layer garden hose, pressure-resistant, reinforced braided, free of phthalates, cadmium, barium and lead; it is harmless to health. The weather-resistant, UV-proof outer layer protects the material, and an opaque interlayer prevents algae formation in the hose. Bursting pressure 24 bar. The hose has an operating temperature range of -20 to 65 °C and has a 12-year guarantee.
Kärcher garden hoses are extremely flexible, durable and non-kinking. The advantages are clear: extremely durable and easy to handle.
Karcher’s watering Ambassador is Expert Gardener, Diarmuid Gavin who has recorded some great informative videos on how to get the best of your garden and has even answered a few questions. I like this video about how to encourage insects into your garden to help teach your children. I’m particularly interested in encouraging butterflies into ours.