How to Tell Your Home’s AC Compressor Is Bad

Your home’s HVAC is just as essential to your comfort of living as electricity and plumbing. On a hot day, would you instead come home to a brutally warm house? Most people will answer, absolutely not. No, they want a fresh, refreshing feeling that is just at the right temperature to beat the heat from outside.

AC compressor

The home’s air conditioning system is made up of five main parts. These include:

  • Evaporator coils
  • Condenser coils
  • Compressor
  • Expansion Valve
  • Refrigerant

Each of these elements needs to work together to produce a cooling effect. When most air conditionings stop blowing cold air, the first thing an HVAC technician will likely check is the refrigerant level. While this can be an easy fix, one will wonder why it is low in the first place. The coils are responsible for picking up the hot air, outside (the condenser coil), and inside (the evaporator coil) the home.

What Is The Compressor’s Job?

The compressor is probably the most critical part of the entire system. It takes the refrigerant in the system and pressurizes it. Because of this process, the temperature will rise. Combined gas laws state that when pressure increases, so will the temperature. Thereby when you compress the refrigerant, it too will heat up.

The reason the refrigerant needs to heat up is that it needs to exceed the outdoor temperature. Without the ability to heat the system, the refrigerant is unable to work. That is why you can have a system full of coolant, but no cold air is blowing.

The Common Signs of a Bad AC Compressor

Air conditioner

Typically if your air conditioner’s compressor goes bad, you’ll know it. Not only will there be a lack of cold air blowing, but the system will also give you some not so subtle hints alerting you to the issue. When it comes to getting repairs, you’ll need to contact the professionals for repair. Green Leaf AC works on virtually all air conditioning systems. Faulty compressors are one of the main trouble calls homeowners need assistance with. Check out the top four signs of a compressor, so you know what to expect.

A Noisy AC

If you hear clattering or thinking sounds when you turn on the air conditioner, you can say it probably has something to do with the compressor. Rattling and these types of noises are usually caused by the compressor vibrating. Turn off the air conditioning immediately, and contact your local HVAC company for help. Continuing to run the system with a faulty compressor can mess up more components, which equals a more expensive repair.

No More Cold Air

This symptom can often be from a variety of issues in the AC system, which doesn’t rule out the compressor. Typically if you have no cold air, mixed with one of the other symptoms, then it could be likely the compressor has failed.

Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping

If your AC system is drawing too much power, it will start to trip the breaker. This can be caused by a broken compressor too. It’s essential not to keep resetting the breaker and trying to run the AC if this happens. House fires can occur. When this starts to happen, you’ll need the help of a professional to fix the issue and make sure it’s resolved safely.

Less Cold Air

When the compressor starts to fail, you may still have cold air; it just won’t be as cold and not as much. If you pay attention to the quality of the airflow, you might notice a failing compressor early on. This can save you time without having a fully functional unit, and having to go without for a few hours or days while waiting for repairs.

How to tell if your AC compressor is bad

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