Living on a single-parent budget is often hard, especially when it’s time to do some home improvements around the house. Renovations and updates are not easy on the wallet, but if you engage in DIY and find creative ways to keep the costs down, you can push through and end up with a beautiful and refreshed home. Need some renovation ideas that won’t break your bank or take up too much of your precious time?

Repaint your furniture

Did you know that a new kitchen costs over $3000? Single parents rarely have that much money lying around. If you don’t want to spend that kind of money on kitchen renovation, you can revive your old kitchen with a fresh coat of paint. Repainting your cabinets is a cheap and effective upgrade that’s also easy to do for one person. There are great tutorials online that will guide you through the process of surface prep so you can end up with a professional-looking product. You can treat your other furniture the same way if you feel the need.
Repaint the fixtures and hardware
If you live in an older home (something from the 80s or 90s), you might have brass hardware and plumbing fixtures that will automatically allow everyone to calculate the age of your home. Sure, you can replace the fixtures, but that needs money and skill. An easier and cheaper option is to refinish your brass faucets with dark satin paint that looks ultra-modern. And replacing hardware is possible for everyone no matters the skills or the budget.
Improve your kitchen

If you want to remodel your kitchen on a budget, here are a few ideas. Firstly, try to modernize your splashback. There are great options for low-cost tiles and glass splashbacks that will add a splash (pun intended) of colour and style to your kitchen. Some options, like peel-and-stick mosaic tiles, require no use of tools at all! Since you’ve managed to save some money on a new splashback, you can treat yourself to new authentic bentwood chairs from Sydney that have a timeless design and fit into every kitchen/dining room. And they are super easy to elevate and repaint in the future if you desire a new look.
Refresh your bathroom
There’s nothing uglier than old caulk in your bathroom. Everything from browning along the edges to brittle and cracked surfaces and literal holes in the caulk that provide a home for bacteria and mould—it’s all gross and needs to go. Luckily, it’s easy to strip old caulk and put up a new layer by yourself in just a few hours. Caulk is cheap, and its application is easy, involving just a few tools you probably already have at home. Watch tutorials on how to replace caulk in your bathroom so you can do the job properly and have long-lasting results.
Elevate your fireplace
Many homes have a fireplace that’s rarely used and in dire need of a makeover. Luckily, it’s easy to modernize your old brick fireplace with a splash of fresh paint. Before you start painting, spend some time cleaning the grime and dust and applying a stain-blocking primer to the brick so you can mask all stains. A great idea is to use high-gloss paint and achieve that modern and elegant look.
Improve your entrance

Your entrance is what makes a great first impression, so make sure to elevate it. This is more than possible to achieve on a single-parent budget and schedule. Firstly, start by adding a fresh coat of paint to your door—this is the first thing people see so let them enjoy beauty and style. If you don’t want to mess with paint right now, opt for new plants that will decorate each side of your entrance. Flowers in window boxes can also work wonders for your curb appeal, and they don’t need a lot of money or care. And if you install a new lighting option for your front door, you’ll treat yourself, your kids, and your guests to a welcoming entrance during the day and at night.
These are just some of the ideas you can do on a single-parent budget. Even if you don’t want to mess with DIY, paying someone to finish them for you will also be affordable due to the nature of the projects. All in all, you’ll improve your home for your family and save some serious bucks.