Before children, Hubby and I were both quite the gym junkies. We worked next door to one for a couple of years and so would go during lunch, and after work, it was not uncommon for me to go twice a day, six days a week. I did try to keep up an exercise routine after the children were born, but the time just never seemed right, and so I am now unfit, untoned, and totally fed up with the way I look. I lost weight last year on the Jenny Craig diet, but I never really got around to tightening up what I was left with, so it’s all a bit saggy.
A few weeks ago, I had a really fun night out at the local Bingo hall with a friend, and although it was my first time, my arms felt like they fit right in. One little wave and my arms started a wave of their very own. Not a good look at all!!! You would think all the lifting of the children I do that I would have arms (and abs) of steel, but no, they have taken a sabbatical, and I’m not sure when they are planning to return.
The Powerspin has recently spun its way into my life, and I’m really starting to quite like it. I certainly like the idea of a piece of exercise equipment which (a) doesn’t need its own room and (b) doesn’t need to be used for an hour a day to show any kind of results.
The Powerspin is an exciting and effective piece of equipment that helps to tone and shape your arms, abs and shoulders. The claim is that it delivers arms and abs to be proud of in just six minutes a day! Now I’m a busy Mum but I think even I can manage six minutes a day. Before agreeing to review the Powerspin, I watched videos and read all about it online and thought that it sounded like the perfect solution to my problems, then it arrived, and I felt like my arms belonged to someone else.
The best thing about commercial powerspin is that it does not make you tired. Also, it is easy to hold and effective to get results. I never knew I needed one before I had one.
The Powerspin looks rather like a cross between a steering wheel and a hamster run; it is a hollow circle with a handle across the middle and a weighted ball inside the circle, which rolls around as you move the Powerspin. The aim is to get the ball spinning smoothly, and then as it gains momentum, you put your arms into different positions to exercise different muscles.
Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, as I said, when I started, I felt like my arms belonged to someone else because I just couldn’t get the ball spinning smoothly and as soon as I started, it would stop. However, I am a stubborn Mummy (I wonder where my children get it from!), and so I tried and tried and tried again until, just like when learning to ride a bike, I got it! The ball was spinning, and as I managed to increase the momentum I felt the burn in my arms in places I didn’t know existed. There are lots of different exercises that you can do with the Powerspin to add variety to your Powerspin workout, and if you’re feeling really committed, you could even take the Powerspin on holiday with you because it would fit perfectly in your suitcase.
I am starting to notice an improvement in my arms as this is where I have been focusing my exercises at the moment, but as my Powerspin skills improve, I shall try other exercises to target different muscles. Who knows, one day, I might finally achieve Yummy Mummy status!!
For more information about Powerspin, you can visit their site to find further exercises, advice and tips or find them on Facebook.
Hi! How long were you using this before you started to notice a difference? I am thinking of buying one, but worried it will end up gathering dust under the bed along with all the other gadgets and gizmos I’ve brought over the years!
Hi Michelle,
I used it for about three weeks before I really started to notice a difference. I did let it go for a little while but when I tried it again the second time around I noticed results sooner
Ok, so I went and got one, used it for a week and then let it gather dust. I’m about to start a new healthy eating/exercise regime tomorrow, with more realistic goals and targets. I’m only a few pounds overweight, but for me it’s all about getting back that tone and definition now. I can’t blame my wobbly bits on my pregnancy weight anymore (she’s 17 years old..!). Its great to hear from a real person that real results can happen. I have promised myself to try for a couple of minutes each day, while tea is cooking, mixing it up with 3 times a week on the treadmill. I can’t do push ups for love nor money, so this should hopefully do the trick.
Fingers crossed for me
Good luck, I am on a fitness drive now. Jelly Bean turned one on Friday so it’s time I began to focus on getting myself feeling (and looking good again!!). I have to admit my Powerspin has been gathering dust but funny enough I dusted mine off this weekend as well as my KettleBells so it’s time to get on it! WE can do this