Britax: The saviour on the school run

Britax Be Safe 001

I am not a morning person, it probably has something to do with the fact that I forget to ‘relax’ in an evening. I have never been one to just veg out in front of the TV or put my feet up and do nothing. I like to keep busy whether that be doing crafts, writing, doing jobs around the house or tinkering with my camera.

So after a late night and then running around after three little monkeys on a morning I am ashamed to say that I am usually one of the last parents to arrive at school. I never wanted it to be that way, I had visions of walking to school in the morning, exploring nature along the way. It is because of my tardiness that I am grateful to the designers of the Britax B-Agile for making a travel system which is so quick and simple to operate. I have told you previously about how good the B-Agile is, we used it for some time with Beanie Boy before Jelly Bean arrived.

To transport Jelly Bean safely in the car we use the Britax Baby Safe infant carrier car seat which is one of the best infant carriers I have used to date through 3 babies. It is possible to get an Isofix base for the carrier to click into however we don’t have one so we secure the seat using the 3 point seat belt in the car. In my car this is easy to do as I have long seatbelts but in Hubby’ s van the seatbelts are much shorter so it’s a little trickier but we manage it. When using the seatbelt in the car to secure the carrier you must pop out the grey flaps on the side to ensure the seatbelt doesn’t slide up the side of the seat.

Britax Be Safe1

The Baby Safe features superior side-impact protection, called D-SIP. In the event of an accident the patented D-SIP technology disperses the energy from the crash into the entire shell of the car seat meaning baby is kept safe from harm giving you peace of mind.

The B-Agile comes with car seat adaptors which slide onto the sides of the pushchair and lock securely in place. To attach the infant carrier to the pushchair all I have to do is click it into the adaptors and I am good to go. Once the seat is secured to the pushchair I simply push the large grey button to unlock the handle and push it back over the carrier to create a bumper bar at the front of the pushchair and to allow the pushchair hood to pull over to cocoon Jelly Bean from the elements.


DISCLAIMER: I was sent the Baby Safe Infant Carrier for the purpose of this review post. All words, images and opinions are my own. I was not instructed what to write.

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