On Monday morning after dropping Little Bean and Beanie Boy at school, Jelly Bean and I were due to head out for a playdate with friends but it got delayed after I called in at the GP Surgery to collect JB’s repeat prescription. The first chemist wasn’t able to fulfil the prescription so they sent me elsewhere and then it continued throughout the day until after 5 chemists I finally managed to pick up some medication at the hospital. Thankfully we DID get to enjoy a lovely playdate with our friends, I think JB might have a Mum-crush on his mate JP’s Mummy though.
Tuesday was PANCAKE DAY!! Yummmy!! We often have pancakes as it’s a good way for me to get eggs into my fussy eaters. I did try doing things slightly differently this time and gave the Beans ice cream with their pancakes. They thought I was mad until they tried them! I enjoyed a spinach and ricotta pancake followed by this ice cream and pan-fried mango which was delicious!!
Jelly Bean has got the bug for baking at the moment so on Wednesday I decided to show him how to make cookies. He loved doing this, especially when it came to kneading the mixture with his hands and making the balls to ‘squish’ onto the baking tray. The chocolate chip cookies we made were delicious and very well received by the family so I think we shall be making some more very soon!
Thursday was the Bean’s check-up at the dentist. I’m so grateful for how well the Beans behave at these kind of appointments. They each take their turn in the chair and do exactly as they have been asked. They are all really good at brushing their teeth and thankfully the Dentist is very happy with their teeth at the moment so the appointments are pretty painless, although LB REALLY doesn’t like the fluoride paste the Dentist puts on their teeth to protect them.
Every other Friday we now pick my Mum up from work and go back to her house for the Beans to have their tea. Whilst waiting to collect Mum from work we go to a soft play area for 45 minutes so the Beans can let off some steam and I can enjoy a cup of coffee. On Friday, the boys played happily whilst Little Bean sat chatting to me and did some colouring.
Saturday started really early with a trip to Birmingham Sea Life Centre so the Beans could try their hand at being Dinosaur Detectives. We had a really enjoyable family day out and hope to return there again soon since we are always guaranteed a great day.