7 Ways to Save Water at Home

When you live in a part of the world where water is abundant, it is so easy to take it for granted and forget that elsewhere on the planet; water is a precious and increasingly scarce resource. Wherever in the world that you live, taking care to save water wherever you can is essential. 

Why is Saving Water So Important?

7 Ways to Save Water at Home

While plastic pollution and reducing carbon emissions have been hot topics in recent years, it is crucial not to overlook the most straightforward way to help the planet, which is by using water wisely and taking care not to be wasteful.

Water is essential for so much more than merely staying hydrated. So many of the functions performed by water are vital for survival, including its use in farming to produce the food supply and manufacturing industries where it is used to make products used in everyday life. While it can sometimes seem like water is everywhere, not all of this water can be used for these vital functions.

Much of the earth’s water is saltwater, which is unsuitable for use as drinking water. Only around 2.5% – 3% of the planet’s water supply is freshwater, and an even smaller proportion of this is suitable for use as drinking water, somewhere around 1.2%. These figures show just how scarce fresh drinking water is and highlight why it is essential to take care of the amount of water used in everyday life.

If you are keen to start cutting down on the amount of water you use in and around your home, why not give some of these ideas a try?

1. Make the Most of Rainwater

Utilising rainwater is an excellent way to save water at home. Collecting up rainfall and then re-using it is a really valuable way to cut down on the amount of freshwater you use at home. Before you start collecting rainwater, you need to choose a method of storing it; boabab tanks are a popular choice for storing rainwater. Water storage tanks can be directly connected to your rainwater downpipe, enabling you to maximise the amount of rainwater that you collect.

You can then connect this rainwater to a water supply where it can be used in place of freshwater. Your tank could be used to supply water to flush your toilet, or it could be connected to an outside tap and then used to water your plants.

2. Turn off The Taps

Do you know how much water is wasted when you leave a tap running while brushing your teeth? Well, research shows that leaving the tap running for just one minute wastes a massive six litres of water. Suppose you brush your teeth for the recommended two minutes twice a day. In that case, you will be wasting around 24 litres of water, now multiply that by the number of people in your household, and multiply that figure by seven, and you will see that a vast amount of water is being wasted every week. So something as simple as turning off the tap while you brush your teeth can save an incredible amount of water in your family home.

3. Set a Timer

Many people think of taking a shower as a quick way to wash and a great way to save water, but if you spend too long in the shower, you could be wasting litres of water without even realising. Speeding up your showers is an excellent way to cut down on water usage. To save water, it is recommended that you cut down your shower time to five minutes. If you want to make sure that you stick to the recommended five minutes, why not bring a timer into the bathroom to make life easier?

4. Switch Your Shower Head

Sticking to the subject of showers, simply swapping your shower head can make a big difference to your water-saving efforts. Although showers are often thought of as a great way to save water compared to taking a bath, this is not always true. Power showers use up a large amount of water, and if you put the plug in the bathtub while taking a shower, you will see that it quickly fills up. Stitching your showerhead to a water-saving model can help you cut down on water waste when taking a shower, especially when combined with sticking to a five-minute shower.

5. Check for Leaks

Sometimes you may find that you are still wasting water in your home regardless of all of your water-saving efforts. If you suspect that your water use is still higher than it should be, you may leak somewhere, so it is worth checking out this possibility and getting it solved before it causes damage to your property and wastes any more water.

If you spot a leak, don’t waste time waiting to get it fixed; ensure that it is dealt with promptly. The same also applies to dripping taps. Many homes have a tap that continually drips, and this may seem like a minor problem, but over time, this will lead to a significant waste of water, so getting the tap repaired as soon as you notice the dripping is vital.

6. Do the Laundry Less

If the idea of doing the laundry less often appeals to you, you will be pleased to know that it will help you save water. Putting on the washing machine for a half load uses up more water than running a full load. Waiting until you have enough dirty washing to run a full load in the washing machine will help you save water and reduce the amount of electricity you use to operate the machine.

7. Get the Kids Involved

When trying to save water at home, it is a great idea to make it a whole family effort. Getting the kids involved is a great way to teach them about the importance of saving water and raising their environmental awareness too.

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