This was my little man this morning at playgroup, he pretty much always gravitates towards this table and today his toy of choice was the aeroplane. He was determined that it was going to go under all of the bridges but because of the wingspan he had to keep tipping it on its side. I’m not sure I fancy being a pilot on any of his planes in the future!
I’ve been a pretty bad mummy as far as Beanie Boy is concerned. With Little Bean we attended Baby Yoga, Baby Beans Music, Baby Massage, Messy Play – you name it, we were there. But poor little Beanie Boy has hardly been to anything. I took him to playgroup for a 6 months when he was a baby, but let’s face it, at that age he didn’t really get to experience much. Then just before Christmas I started to take him to playgroup again and he loves it. As we pull up into the car park he starts squealing and waving his arms, and from the moment we get inside he is off like a shot. Some weeks he plays with other children, others like today he plays happily on his own.
I wonder if this is the same for all parents when the second baby comes along? There just never seemed to be the right time to go to classes because I couldn’t take Little Bean with us or they were at the same time as school drop-off/pickup. Now that I’ve got him into it I’m looking into attending another playgroup on a different day in the week, it’s only fair that he gets the same opportunity to socialise with other children too, otherwise I could be having problems when he starts school. Clingon anyone?