Our weekend in pictures – 21/22 June 2014 #OWIP

Over the next few weeks I am hoping to give Mummy Matters a little overhaul, I want to try to get a little more organised and have regular features so that I can help to keep a track of what I am doing and so that regular readers might find something they like and to know when to read. Mondays can often be a difficult post to publish as I often want to share what we have been doing over the weekend but it isn’t always easy to write a post AND edit all of the photographs that I take so from now on I am *hoping*( as I do have a habit of forgetting things) to have a new Monday feature called “Our weekend in pictures . . . ” #OWIP for the social media types out there.

So here’s our first instalment, maybe in a few weeks I shall open it up as a linky to see if anyone else wants to join in. Enjoy . . .

outdoor fun #OWIP

Peterborough Heritage Festival #OWIP Peterborough Heritage Festival #OWIP

Peterborough Heritage Festival #OWIP

Peterborough Heritage Festival #OWIP

Peterborough Heritage Festival #OWIP



DISCLAIMER: All words, images and opinions are my own and may not be copied without my permission.

2 thoughts on “Our weekend in pictures – 21/22 June 2014 #OWIP”

  1. Wow what a busy weekend! Can’t believe you managed to fit all of that into two days! This is a great idea – we often don’t do enough at a weekend to make an interesting post but a photo post would be great. Let me know if you turn it into a linky!

    • I know, I amaze myself sometimes how much we do manage to cram into a weekend – we also managed a trip to the shops, house cleaning, gardening and a little bit of a garage tidy-up but they wouldn’t have made for interesting pictures 😉


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