Air pollution is one of the most alarming issues that can cause severe health issues such as allergy attacks, asthma, lung or respiratory issues, etc. It is not possible to control air pollution outside, but you can actually control the air quality inside your house by installing the right MERV-rated air filter in your HVAC system. The right MERV-rated air filter can improve your indoor air quality by capturing air pollutants.
What are MERV Ratings?

MERV ratings stand for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, a rating system used for measuring the effectiveness of HVAC air filters in catching airborne particles. This rating system has a range between 1-20. The higher the rating is, the more efficient it is at capturing pollutants. This rating system basically reports an air filter’s ability to trap particles of various sizes. These MERV-rated air filters can greatly capture particles like large dust and debris to the tiniest bacteria and viruses.
Understanding the MERV Ratings
As we’ve already learned, MERV filters have a range from 1-20, where different range stages possess different workability. MERV ratings of 1-4 are suitable for residential spaces and can capture air particles as large as 10 microns. These filters are best for non-polluted areas as they cannot capture allergens, bacteria, or viruses. Next, Ratings of 5-8 are good at trapping particles of 3 microns. These can, in some way, capture a few allergens and are best suitable for residential use.
Then, ratings of 9-13 are ideal for residential use and best suitable for people with allergies and respiratory issues. If you live in a polluted area, you can go for these filters. Lastly, ratings of 14-20 are not suitable for residential use. These are mostly suitable for laboratories, hospitals, or places that require a sterile environment. These are capable of capturing the smallest airborne particles.
Why are MERV Ratings So Important?
As various filters work in various ways, you need to learn about MERV ratings to know which rating suits your needs. Choosing air filters with the right MERV rating is essential for improving air quality inside the house. If you live in a polluted area with a lower rating, the filter will not be able to do its job properly. You’ll need to install a filter that has a higher rating. Again, if you install a filter with a high MERV rating when, in reality, you need one with a lower rating, it will restrict the airflow of your HVAC system. This reduces the system’s efficiency.
How to Maintain Air Filters with MERV Ratings?
MERV filters require regular maintenance as well as regular replacement. Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring that the filters can provide optimal air filtration. Regular air filter replacement is critical for ensuring the HVAC system runs efficiently. When a filter becomes dirty over time, it requires more power to pull and filtrate air. This damages the HVAC system’s performance and increases utility bills as it needs more energy than usual.
Understanding how MERV ratings work can help you improve your indoor air quality. Choosing the right MERV filter can help you improve your health issues and provide you with maximum comfort inside your home. If you want to learn more about MERV ratings, you can visit our website, Simply Filters. Simply Filters is an air filter supplier. Here, you can find any ac air filters of any size, such as a 20x30x1 air filter or a 19.5×19.5×1 air filter, and also various maintenance tips.