Tips For New Homeowners To Create A Cosy Home

If you’re a new homeowner, you’ll want to create a welcoming, comfortable, cosy home as soon as you can – it’s not much fun to move in somewhere and then live with someone else’s decor for longer than you have to, is it? That’s not what you’ve been excited about, and instead you’ll want to put your own stamp on things. 

Of course, it can be hard to know where to start, not to mention the fact that moving is expensive, so you might not have much in the way of a budget, but never fear – you can still create a cosy home in a variety of different ways. Keep reading to find out more. 

Personalise Your Space

Even if you’ve got no budget to speak of for a little while after you move in, that doesn’t mean your home can’t still be cosy, and the best thing you can do to make it feel better is to personalise the place sooner rather than later. 

If you can add some personal touches through your decor, photos, artwork, or just your own bits and pieces from wherever you’ve come from (it’s better to unpack and have all your familiar things around you than it is to leave everything in boxes because you know you’re going to decorate at some point – you can always pack things away again when you need to), you’ll find your new home is a lot more cosy and you’ll start to feel more comfortable when you walk through the door. 

Efficient Use Of Space

If you want to have a nice cosy home, another great idea that’s not going to cost you a lot is to maximise the space you’ve got. That’s particularly important for first home buyers who might not have bought the largest of homes, but the idea is the same no matter how big your place is – use the space wisely and it will all feel a lot better. 

Find some clever storage solutions like built-in shelves or sliding boxes for under the bed, and furniture that doubles up as other things (a sofa into a bed, for example, or a coffee table with storage in it), and you’ll make some more space quite easily. On top of that, some storage designs actually make spaces feel bigger anyway – open shelving in a kitchen is a great example of exactly that. If you’ve not got room for everything right now, hire a storage unit or ask friends and family to store your stuff for you – then you can bring it into the home when you’ve made room. 

Good Lighting

Something that will always make a home more cosy is the right lighting, so that’s something you’ll want to deal with as a priority. When you move in somewhere, there’s be whatever lights the previous owners left behind, generally ceiling lights and perhaps some wall lights, so these are a good place to start. What bulbs are in those lights? If they’re too bright, they might not add to the cosy feel you want, so you can switch them for less bright ones, or change the fixtures to dimmer switches, for example. 
You can also add your own lights in the form of lamps or fairy lights if you prefer – it’s always your choice in your home – so you can mix and match the level of lighting you need and make it cosy but functional too.

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