Tidy Books Children’s Bookcase Discount Code and Giveaway!!

Tidy Books

Earlier this week I published my review of the Children’s Bookcase from Tidy Books, if you didn’t see it you can read it here. If you have a child who loves to read then no doubt you will also have lots and lots of books to find homes for. As lovely as it is to have a big book collection, they can also take up lots of space which is where the Children’s Bookcase from Tidy Books is ideal since it hardly takes up any space at all yet it holds up to 84 books of varying sizes.

Discount Code

Want to get your hands on a Children’s Bookcase and make yourself a saving? Well, just enter the discount code AMB15 at the checkout and you will receive 15% discount, go on tell your friends, shout about it and share the money saving love!!


As part of my role as a Tidy Books Ambassador I can now offer the chance for one lucky Mummy Matters reader to receive a Children’s Bookcase in Natural with or without letters ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! All you have to do to enter is complete the Rafflecopter form below;

a Rafflecopter giveaway

139 thoughts on “Tidy Books Children’s Bookcase Discount Code and Giveaway!!”

  1. Hi, this looks fantastic and oi love your review, when does your competition for a chance to win one of these start? it would be great for my neices bedroom xx

  2. Obviously I’m a simple girl and love all the plain white or natural products with no embellishments… Then they can grow with the kids and be used for longer.

  3. Love love love this bookcase. We have so many books and definitely not enough space to store them all! Also love the family organisers! Going back to have another look at their website to see what might fit in new house!!!

  4. Bunk Bed shelves! What a great idea! Its really nice that these are designed to store and show off children’s books in a really appealing way. They’re always tricky shape wise to put on normal shelves and if they’re out of sight they might not be looked at as much. Great products!

  5. I love the Kids Wall Stickers – Transportation Wall Decals my son is crazy bout trains so would love these also! 🙂

  6. Love the book Shelf….. it means all his books are out on display, not tucked away in a cupboard and therefore he reads more!! x

  7. I love the bunk bed buddy would be perfect for when our girls get their bunk beds! great idea and looks fab too!

  8. I love the bunk bed shelves – my daughter has a high sleeper so might have to invest in one of those so she can keep her water etc next to her in the night 🙂

  9. love the wallstickers they really caught my eye on your site and the shelving is brilliant to xx

  10. There’s something about books that has to have them handy and on display – to touch, feel, turn the pages and enjoy (unlike tapping a Kindle screen). I’d love to put this in my Daughter’s room – she loves to read!

  11. Having a bookcase would give us the impetus needed to finish our daughter’s nursery. The alphabet tree sticker would add a beautiful touch and splash of colour to the wall alongside it.

  12. I love these designs. So much easier for the kids. The pink one in particular would be great for my girls!

  13. Ive always wanted a Tidy Books Box for my eldest. They’re so lovely..but all their products are.

  14. the bookcase looks great,we have so many books now and no storage for them.The wall stickers look lovely too.

  15. I love the Tidy Books Box best. Would love to buy one but really can’t afford one at the moment, even with the discount 🙁 Winning the bookcase would make up for it, though! 😉

  16. The Tidy Books boxes would be great for helping keep a book rotation going (otherwise we just end up reading the same books over and over!). I love how the products are all focused around the child – my boys would love being able to see their books on one of these cases and get to choose for themselves 🙂

  17. I really like the Tidy Books Bunk Bed Buddy, although I think this would be just as useful next to a standard bed. Think I might invest in one 🙂

  18. I agree, that bookcase looks amazing- and according to the reviews, takes up next to no space. I want!!

  19. This is a right cop out but I like ALL of it. I love the boxes though.


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