The Impact of Sports Achievements on Academic Scholarships

Sports scholarships have saved countless lives. According to available data, only between two and seven percent of school athletes across various sports – golf included – go on to become professional athletes. However, their unmistakable and recognizable sporting talent got them into the universities and colleges to earn degrees.

These degrees become their failsafe, which they can activate to make a better life. Many parents have discovered this hack and are now getting their kids enrolled in different sports from their formative years.

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Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay

Sports is the exertion of physical prowess with skill for competitive reasons.

The operative word in that definition is “skill”. Take golf and boxing, for example. Golfers win awards, medals, and trophies because they can swing a ball so hard that it travels far distances. Boxers knock out opponents with the strength of their punches.

But a person without the skill to time their swings in golf cannot put the ball in the hole. A person with natural strength cannot step into a ring with a trained boxer who has honed various fighting skills.

It is the skill developed by playing sports that sharpens the mind. A student who develops sports skills can develop academic skills. Applying these academic skills will help them navigate their chosen course of study, secure the necessary qualifications, and pursue a career.

While the kids look to sports like basketball, soccer, and track, the teachers could look to sports like golf, which, according to research, is one of the most mentally tasking sports.

This is why winning golf trophies, medals, and awards feels like earning a college degree. It is also why they tend to look the classiest compared to those from other sports. Mastering your golf skills, participating in tournaments, and winning trophies will serve as evidence of your skills.

First, you must understand how to get a scholarship. When you succeed in sports and academics, the system rewards you.

Colleges and Universities are in constant competition for the best students. They offer students who are academically sound scholarships. They also give scholarships to students who excel in sports. Students who excel in both because of their discipline stand an even better chance of getting scholarships. This is why parents are encouraging their children to take up sports from an early age.

The student loan debt statistics explain why this is now the norm well enough. It is necessary to understand this little distinction: there are academic and athletic scholarships. The former focuses on grades. The latter, on sports stats. But students can get both by honing their sports skills and taking that same discipline into their academics.

Most scholarship programs do not offer full rides. Those that do only offer them for a year or two at most. The rest is up to the student.

Furthermore, only one in 5,000 scholarship applicants get full rides. The figure is even lower for athletes. This leaves the burden of sorting out the remaining expenses on the applicant. They can do this by getting both academic and athletic scholarships.

If they do well, they can get sponsored by a brand to make bank from their image rights, which they can use to find the rest of their education.

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Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay

As the name implies, academic scholarships are awarded to students with excellent grades. These scholarships are a way colleges or universities attract brilliant students who become alumni whose potential successes they can leverage for future projects.

Admissions offices consider grade point average (GPA), test scores, field of study, leadership experience, and involvement in extracurricular activities before awarding scholarships. These scholarships are then reviewed yearly to see if the students are keeping up with their school work and giving the required effort in the other areas of interest to the school.

Scholarships are not available for all sports in all schools. Private scholarships may be a way out for you in these cases.

Also, you must figure out the division that best suits you.

Division 1 sports programs are very intense and for students with the most likelihood to go pro. If you are confident in your ability, research Division 1 schools and apply. If you get an appraisal of your skills and are not solid enough for Division 1, find and apply to a school at your level. There, you can work your way up to a Division 1 school.

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Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

Send well-crafted emails with your skillset videos (if required), the number and types of trophies/awards won, and your academic qualifications (test scores, GPA).

And finally, manage the process. Keep checking for updates, visiting campuses, and attending training camps.

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