How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Get rid of stretch marks

Stretch marks are usually associated with pregnancy but they can occur for other reasons as well. Rapid weight gain or growth can lead to stretch marks. These marks will start out as thin purplish or reddish lines that are a different texture than the rest of the skin. Eventually, these will fade a bit and … Read more

Reasons To Quit Eating Heavy Snacks In The Evening

Unhealthy snacks

There are a few excellent reasons to quit eating heavy snacks in the evening at home or in your office. It would help if you remembered that snacking’s primary objective is to beat your pre-mealtime hunger pangs. However, that should not fill your stomach to such an extent that you feel like skipping dinner, which, … Read more

Want to build lean muscles? Eat this!

Healthy colourful food

Why do most people fail to achieve the desired shape despite all their efforts in the gym? Exercise can indeed help shape your body the way you want. But without the support of nutrients, your goal will seem like a distant dream. To build lean muscles, besides proper physical activity, you will need a good … Read more

Healthy Low Calorie Snacks

Healthy snacks

Those hunger waves that penetrate your being between meals can sabotage your weight maintenance goals. Reaching for unhealthy snacks to curb your hunger pains is very common. Usually, those unhealthy snacks are convenience foods that take little preparation, are conveniently packed and immediately satisfy the urge of “I’m hungry and I want it now”. Unhealthy … Read more

Project Mamma – Weight Loss Programs For Busy Mammas

Project Mamma

Long before I became a Mum myself I remember visiting my cousin who had just given birth to her first child. She had always been petite and perfectly formed, so when I saw her less than a week after giving birth back in her size 8 jeans I took it that’s what happened after you … Read more