An enjoyable Easter/half term holiday . . .

An enjoyable Easter/half term holiday . . . 1

I have been so busy during the school holidays my blog has had to take a back seat but rest assured my camera hasn’t! After the annual Easter Egg hunt around the house (where Mummy forgot where she had hidden most of the eggs!) the children were very happy with their stash and got waaaaaay … Read more

A 4 year old with a social life!

A 4 year old with a social life! 2

It’s been a while since Curly first started school and we spent weekend after weekend attending birthday parties or scouring the shops for birthday presents. As he progressed through school the parties became less and less as friendship groups became more exclusive and the price of parties and entertainment became more expensive. Well now it’s … Read more

033/365-2013 – When Jelly Bean met Ella

033/365-2013 – When Jelly Bean met Ella 5

Karin and I have been friends since our girls were just 6 weeks old and we attended a baby music class together. Our girls have grown up together and their friendship is still strong despite the fact that they now go to different primary schools. When Beanie Boy was born Ella was so excited, they … Read more