007/365-2013 – My first completed crochet project!

This crochet project is something I am extremely proud of, I always like to make something for my baby before they arrive and this time I decided I wanted to try my hand at crochet. I had never done it before and so I asked a very lovely lady called Samantha from Crafty Mama if she could give me a crochet lesson. Not only did Samantha teach me how to get started, but she also came to my rescue when I ran out of the purple wool with only half a row left to do and dropped me off a ball that she had in her own personal stash.

Crochet Baby Blanket

Last night I finally completed my baby blanket and I LOVE it! It’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I made it especially for my little Jelly Bean. I must admit crochet is a little bit addictive, I’m already looking online to see what I can do for my next project, it’s a shame he isn’t a little girl because there are some gorgeous hats with some beautiful big flowers on them.

Have you tried anything new lately?

2 thoughts on “007/365-2013 – My first completed crochet project!”

    • Oooh that sounds cool, I’ve been looking online for ideas for a nice baby boys hat to make but I could do a spiderman one for Beanie Boy 🙂


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