How To Take Care Of Your Chinchilla And Keep Them Healthy

Chinchillas are one of the fluffiest and cutest pets you can ever have. Originally, they can be found in the rocky areas of the Andes Mountains in western South America. Chinchillas are sociable, fluffy cuties, and they come in a whole array of colours. These tiny cuties can be grey, white, beige, ebony, violet, and sapphire-coloured, and have the unique possibility to make your day better. Chinchillas can produce different sounds and do not be surprised if you see them jumping so high because they can jump up to 5 feet. 

Chinchilla’s Habitat 

How To Take Care Of Your Chinchilla


The minimal size of the chinchilla’s habitat must be at least 6’5×6’5. It should be multitiered with multiple ramps and shelves; additionally, chinchillas love to jump, climb, and play. Try to provide the largest possible habitat with proper ventilation. Wire habitats, with a space of 1 inch between the wires are the best option for these furry friends. The solid ground in the chinchilla’s habitat is required in order to protect their feet from developing pressure sores. If you want to get your chinchilla the best possible habitat, then you need to avoid the plastic ones. They are a flimsy solution since chinchillas can easily chew through them with their sharp teeth. 

How to Build a Perfect Habitat? 

Chinchillas are well-known for their fur and this is not only because of beauty. Namely, they must not be exposed to extreme temperature changes and higher temperatures in general. This can lead to them overheating, suffering seizures, and having fatal heart attacks. So, you need to pay attention not to put their habitats in places exposed to the direct sun and drafty parts of your home. 

These are some of the mandatory parts of chinchilla’s habitat:


Within the cage, there should be 1-2 inches of bedding and it is recommended that it be made of crumpled paper. This bedding is preferred because even when eaten by chinchillas, it can be easily digested. Wood shavings are not a good idea because they cannot be ingested. Cedar-wood shavings should be avoided because of the essential oils which can cause inflammations and skin problems. 

Secure place

Chinchillas are prone to hiding and you need to make one place where they can feel secure. Hiding spots available on the market are made of edible materials and make an ideal shelter for them. 


Chinchillas are naturally very active and they need their playtime to keep them active. One of the toys you can use is the solid wheels, which will prevent their tiny feet from being trapped. 

How to Clean Their “Little Home”

It is mandatory to clean chinchilla’s “little home” every day and this includes their soiled bedding and leftover food. Soiled bedding and moisture can lead to foot sores and inflammations of the respiratory and skin systems. Deep clean and disinfection should be done at least once a week. Viz, you should remove your chinchilla to some separate box where it would be safe. Wash their habitat and toys with specialized products with bleach solutions and let them sit for about 10 minutes before being entirely rinsed. The 10-minute period will allow the product to deeply disinfect the habitat. Let them all dry before you place back the bedding, toys, and chinchilla back to their “little home”. 


How To Take Care Of Your Chinchilla

These little fluffs’ diet needs to be well-balanced and should include fresh, clean water since proper hydration is one of the key elements. Secondly, they need to receive a small amount of chinchilla’s pellet, fresh veggies, and tiny pieces of fruit. Grass hay such as meadow grass, oat grass, and orchard grass is highly needed to form the basis of their diet. Hay contains all important fibres that will help them digest properly and maintain good health of the gastrointestinal tract. Chinchillas are fans of small amounts of treats that are high in fibres; small amounts of oats, shredded wheat cereal. The things you need to avoid are all sweets like chocolate, dried fruit-raisins, nuts, and seeds. 

Additional Care 

Do not bathe your chinchillas in water. Their fur is so thick that water cannot go through it. This is why they require dust for their cleansing. There is specialized dust made for chinchillas and soft brushes that can be used as a finisher. You need to check their teeth periodically. Sometimes, their teeth can grow too long so they start dropping food and salivating excessively. 


Chinchillas may seem to be demanding pets but they are not. All they need is a properly made habitat and enough amount of food to make them happy. And, of course, not to forget the love and warmth you give to them. 

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