Some people are severe over-packers, while others seem to have trouble remembering to pack enough. Whether you are taking a trip with the family to get out of the house and onto the warm sand, or if you are looking for going on a trip to look for lake houses and Minneapolis houses for sale, if you follow this list, you will be sure to pack the perfect suitcase.
More than Enough Swimsuits

The most important thing to remember to pack for a beach or lake vacation is a swimsuit. If you forget absolutely everything else, you will at least be able to participate in the fun. However, the tricky part with swimsuits is figuring out how many to bring. One of the most uncomfortable feelings in the world is wearing a wet swimsuit, so make sure you bring enough swimsuits so that you will always have one that is dry. One swimsuit per day typically works, unless you plan on consistently going from swimming to casual wear all day.
One or Two Dressy Outfits

While packing, you are going to want to consider if you will be eating at fancy restaurants or going to a more elegant event. If you are planning on eating out a few nights, you may want to pack dressier clothing; however, it is not necessary to bring one fancy outfit per day. You can always mix and match your clothes to create more options if you are not an outfit repeater, but it is guaranteed that no one else will care that you are wearing the same pants you did two nights ago. Save the room in your suitcase for more essential items like swimsuits and everyday clothing, instead.
Correct Amount and Type of Shoes

Packing shoes can be incredibly tricky when you are limited on space and can’t decide which shoes are crucial, and which can stay in the closet. First things first, you will need and want to pack one pair of flip-flops or slide-on shoes. It can be tempting to pack more, but chances are you will slide on the same shoe that’s by the door every day before going out to the shore.
On top of your flip-flops, you can choose to bring one pair of dress shoes or nicer sandals if you think that you will need them for the dressier nights, but bring shoes that match all of your outfits, so you don’t have to waste that space.
Lastly, be sure to bring one pair of sneakers. You never know if you will want to work out, go on a hike, or explore in general, so sneakers are a good shoe to have with you, even if you end up not wearing them.

Toiletries are too often forgotten, and while they are easy to replace, it is even easier to bring your own. Don’t forget sunscreen, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and anything else you use daily, and you will have the perfect suitcase.