After the rollercoaster that is 2020, we are all looking forward to the Christmas season so that we can get a bit of time off and hopefully get to see some of our loved ones after so long. Covid-19 has hit every hard be that emotionally or financially, or a bit of both. One way I have managed to keep myself busy and my mind away from anxiety is that I have been doing huge clear-outs of most areas of my life. Wardrobe, home, garden shed – you name it and I have either started or finished having an epic clear out of it.
Now, this tidying up is great for my living surroundings but it has really highlighted to me just how much surplus stuff I have and how much I don’t want to add further to landfills and e-waste piles. Therefore, I have begun investigating ways where I can give my unwanted items a second life and get some extra pounds in my pocket. Below are some of my favourite finds which I wanted to share with you all
Check Your Drawers
Now, the first place I started was in the kitchen where the family’s tech drawer is located. You know the one, full of chargers, old phones and well, items you’re not sure what they do but for some reason, the other half just won’t chuck away…You can imagine how delighted I was when I learned about the check your drawers campaign from giffgaff, which highlights how you can recycle your old phones so that they don’t end up on a landfill and can get a lovely second life with someone else. Best of all I got pounds in my pocket for being tidy, and sustainable. Amazing!
Don’t let things go to waste in your wardrobe
Now, I am guilty of not being able to throw clothes away but the lockdown has certainly taught me to appreciate which items I love and can’t wait to wear again and which ones I just am keeping for old time’s sake. With this knowledge, and a bag full of mine and the family’s unwanted clothing, I began to explore ways I can give this clothing a second life and came across sites such as Vinted and Thred up. These sites allow you to sell your unwanted items to people who will treasure them.
Best of all, you’re being kinder to the planet and your pocket in doing so as, unlike eBay you set the going price you wish them to go for so you don’t have to worry about auctions etc. The main issue I had was not buying anything off them!
Pre-loved not pre-owned!
Now for the bigger items, such as the things I found in my garden shed and items of furniture that no longer go with the decorating that I did whilst in lockdown part one (I really tried to keep busy!) I discovered preloved, a great site for finding local people happy to buy your old items and pick them up – nice! Other great places to sell your larger second-hand items are Facebook market place and gumtree.
Thanks to these sites I now have extra living space and a few extra pounds in my pocket to really make Christmas special and help the January pinch be a bit easier. So what about you, have you been doing any decluttering or reselling recently? If so let me know below or continue the conversation over on our social channels.