Everything You Need To Know About Divorce Mediation

Going through a divorce is often devastating and costly. This is why divorce mediation is important for couples who want to settle their divorces smoothly. With divorce mediation, ex-spouses will connect with a trained mediator to identify issues and get legal advice regarding the divorce. 

Before starting the mediation, spouses should know what to expect from a divorce mediator. For instance, a mediator helps spouses settle issues, including child support, child custody, alimony, and asset or property division. That said, spouses can reach an agreement before the divorce is finalized. In short, a divorce mediator acts as a facilitator, assisting spouses in determining what is best for them. If you’re ever in a situation, where you’re needing to find a family mediator like We Mediate, search ‘family mediator near me’.

What are the different types of divorce mediation? 

divorce mediation
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

If you plan on hiring a divorce mediator, it is essential to know everything about mediation, including the different types of divorce mediation in California.

Following the proper mediation procedure allows spouses to save time, money, and effort. Exploring the different mediation options is crucial to know which one applies to the parties involved. The three types of divorce mediation are listed below. You can determine which type will work for you and your spouse through this list. 

Facilitative mediation 

Facilitative or traditional mediation has become the foundation of every mediation. In this process, the neutral mediator creates a conducive environment where both parties can speak openly about their conflicts and disagreements and meet halfway through direct communication. The mediator acts as a facilitator, encouraging participants to find solutions by probing into each other’s deeper interests. On the other hand, part of the mediator’s job is to ensure that no party becomes more dominant than the other. In short, both parties’ voices must be heard. 

The mediator can provide options and advice to spouses, but they are not allowed to give personal opinions to avoid compromising the interests and agreements of the participants. 

Evaluative mediation 

Evaluative mediators are like the facilitative ones, except for one thing: they express their thoughts and opinions like a judge. They try to emulate a judge in the sense that they give judgments based on the spouses’ situation during the mediation process. Additionally, they offer options but will not express an opinion on whether or not a proposed agreement is fair. Rather than focusing solely on the parties’ underlying interests, evaluative mediators are also likely to aid parties in assessing the legal merits of their arguments and making valid determinations. 

This type of mediation is often used in court-ordered mediation. There, evaluative mediators are frequently attorneys with legal expertise in the dispute’s subject matter. 

Transformative mediation 

Transformative mediation changes the way both parties communicate and interact with each other. In this process, the participants must recognize the other party’s needs, values, and interests to understand the disputes in the relationship better. 

Transformative mediators focus on guiding and encouraging both parties rather than providing direction or solutions. They are more concerned with ensuring each individual’s equality and recognition and improving the quality of interactions

Divorce mediation perks 

divorce mediation

Opting for divorce mediation entails various perks for both spouses. Below are some benefits that you should be aware of. 

It helps settle the issues efficiently

If both spouses can quickly agree and settle their divorce, they can call an online divorce service for help. However, suppose they are in a much more complicated situation that involves children and property division. In that case, it is recommended to call for a divorce mediator to point out the details that need to be worked out. 

It yields a more controlled decision-making process

Divorce mediation puts your future in your own hands rather than allowing a judge to decide the outcome of your divorce. Additionally, it enables you to reflect and achieve healthy communication with your spouse to achieve a mutual decision. With a clearer and steady direction, mediation assists you in coming up with better choices and decisions regarding your issues. 

Reach out to an attorney now 

If you realize that going through mediation is a good decision, it is best to communicate it with your spouse as soon as possible. However, mediation does not apply to all spouses. It would be helpful to contact your legal attorney to discuss the details of the case and be guided on which path to take. 

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