Do Mothers Make Great Personal Trainers?

Anybody can be a personal trainer. While these specialists are highly skilled and valued by society, it’s important that nobody feels isolated from this career path. Especially mums!

In 2021, it was reported that time away from work hurt women’s confidence especially hard. Motherhood is often one of the main reasons that women take time off. Some take their maternity leave, and others can put their careers on ice for years to be stay-at-home parents. 

Regardless of the amount of time taken off, some mothers may start to doubt their working prospects. They may feel that some roles aren’t right for them or suffer from low self-esteem. If you’re in this situation, then you should know that the role of a personal trainer can be perfect for your circumstances. 

So, now we know mothers make great personal trainers. Let’s explore the reasons why this can be the case down below.

You’ll Have Excellent Time Management Skills

Great Personal Trainers

Time management skills are required in most job roles today. For personal trainers, though, they’re especially important. 

Personal trainers need to practice time management for: 

  • Performing administrative tasks. 
  • Working with suppliers, partners, and employees/colleagues.
  • Scheduling client appointments (often with the client’s schedule in mind, too). 
  • Developing tailored workout sessions to individual client needs.
  • Attending career-enriching events like conferences and seminars. 

Of course, some mothers have exhausting schedules already, and adding more responsibilities to that might seem unattainable. You should never put your well-being at risk by taking on more than you can feasibly handle. If you wish to kickstart a new career as a personal trainer but can’t find the time, there’s no shame in asking for help, whether bringing in babysitters, using childcare facilities, or asking loved ones for support. 

Moreover, personal trainers can manage their own schedules. They can perform remote sessions with their clients from home or scale their hours up and down as they see fit. It’s a flexible role to have, which is well-suited to a busy mother!

You’ll Have a Motivated Personality 

Being a mother provides a great deal of perspective. You can more easily discern what’s important to you and appreciate how fleeting time can be because kids grow so fast. 

You make the best of everything as a mother, and personal trainers do the very same. Each day is a fresh start for you and everybody you care about, and your clients need some of that infectious personality to succeed themselves! 

Additionally, you may also be more inclined to learn more about personal training courses online. By studying with The Fitness Group, they will give you the professional and industry know-how to thrive in your new career. They can also help you secure a job after you’re fully qualified, supporting you after the conclusion of your studies. Some personal training courses can take four weeks to complete, while others can take 12, with flexibility adjustments such as no deadlines. Such great working conditions can help you realise your potential and seize your opportunity! 

Hopefully, it’s now dawning on you how feasible it is to succeed as a personal trainer. A personal trainer course can be empowering, but you’ll also have intrinsic qualities that will make you want to get up each day and help others. You get things done, and everybody benefits from your hard work.

You’ll Feel Better Yourself

Jobs in the wellness arena can change your entire outlook on life. A job as a personal trainer can enlighten you, giving you a new lease on life. 

Of course, personal trainers have to practice what they preach to some degree (though you don’t necessarily need to become a hardened athlete). Who doesn’t want to get in the best shape they can when they have time? If getting in shape is also part of your job, you may have that time and feel all the better for it! 

As a mother, you may have let some of your personal endeavours fall by the wayside in favour of looking after your kids. It’s an understandable sacrifice to make in certain situations. However, you should still find time for self-care and setting personal goals. Personal satisfaction is still important, and being a personal trainer can help you attain that.

There’s also the case that seeing others succeed can be a heartwarming experience, too. All types of teachers feel that sense of pride when they watch their students prosper. You’ll enjoy that, too, whether a client becomes an athlete or someone conquers a personal milestone and breaks new ground. It’s all success, and you’ll be surrounded by it daily.

Your Aptitude For Empathy

Personal Trainer

Some people get involved in the personal training profession for a power trip. Hopefully, you won’t adopt the same approach. 

Unfortunately, some personal trainers subscribe to mantras like “fat doesn’t care about your feelings”, believing that only being tough and ruthless can get results out of their clients. However, that’s not necessarily the case. Empathy goes a long way in the field of personal training, and as a mother, you should have an abundance of the stuff. 

Of course, you may have experienced your concerns about your body image too, and perhaps you felt that nought could be done despite your best efforts. For plenty of mothers, things like baby weight can bring those feelings to the surface. You can appreciate the challenges of this journey and practice patience and understanding because of it. 

The world might seem cynical at times, but people respond to kindness. The more bleak society seems, the more simple acts of kindness can make an impact and resonate. Your clients will treat you as a confident personal trainer, which creates an amazing work atmosphere and makes the prospects of repeat business and positive testimonials more likely for you. 

You’ll Have Great Earnings Potential 

It might seem like a shallow point to make, but it must be made nevertheless; personal trainers have great earnings potential. Wellness is in demand these days, and people will pay through their noses for it. Families are experiencing tight spending today, so if you choose a career, it may as well be one that could be very lucrative! 

Admittedly, your salary can vary as a personal trainer. Still, if you’re prepared to utilise your flexible schedule and take on more clients, they could each feasibly pay more than £20 an hour for your time. The better trained and more accredited you are, the more you can suitably charge. Stick at it; it’s fair to assume you’ll be rewarded.

There are options for growth too. For example, you could fly solo but gradually acquire more high-flying clientele. Personal trainers with sporty or celebrity clients likely stand to earn more than those who help people with a lower profile, so that could be a route worth considering. Obviously, you’d need to make a name for yourself first, but the sky’s the limit! 

If you don’t want to fly solo, you could also make an enterprise out of your career. A personal trainer business can bring in more clients and effectively counter some of the competition in your local area. If you find that your passion for fitness and wellness keeps growing, then starting a company can be an exciting (and lucrative) milestone in your career. 

Regardless of which route you go down, your kids will also likely be impressed. At the very least, they’ll benefit from your aspirations, so that’s worth thinking about too! 

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