Best Toys That Will Spark Your Child’s Creativity

Do you have a child that seems to lack a bit of creativity? Do you want to know what you could be doing to spark some creativity within your children?

It is no secret that children have a love for toys. Anything colourful, interactive, loud, and sensory, will get their creativity going and keep them entertained for a good while. However, these toys don’t always have to be the newest and most expensive toys that you can find.

Spark Your Child's Creativity

Very often, it is the more simple toys that will keep your children entertained and encourage creativity in their minds. However, it is not uncommon for parents to not be able to decide which toy to get next for their child. Luckily, there are several gift guides like GiftExperts online, so you can use them whenever you’re on the quest for finding the perfect toy. If you are concerned about your child’s level of creativity, or just want them to let their creative sides flow, here are some of the best toys to let them play with.

Barbie Doll


First up on our list we have a classic children’s toy that has been around for decades upon decades, the barbie. The Barbie franchise has seen so many different variations with all different looks, styles, hobbies, accessories, and so much more.

This is an iconic toy and is one of the most famous in the entire world. Barbie dolls have gone through an incredible transformation. Through the years we have seen barbies such as the pilot barbie, lifeguard barbie, princess barbie, camping barbie, and so much more.

While these toys are practical and pretty to look at, they also inspire a lot of creativity in many different ways. One of the most common ways in which children play with barbie dolls is by creating a life for them and playing out scenarios. This is a great way for your little ones to flesh out their imagination and inspire creativity.

Building Blocks

building blocks

Next up on our list we have building blocks. While this may be a very simple toy, there is so much that one can do with building blocks beyond just stacking them up on top of each other and seeing how tall you can get them.

Foam building blocks can be the foundation of one’s creativity and are more than just building random things. With building blocks, a child can use their imagination to build whatever it is that they want. Nothing has to look exact, but there is so much potential.

You can build a spaceship, a hotel, a stable for horses, or anything else you put your mind to. This is a great way to spark creativity as well as work on things like hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness.

Painting Toy Sets

Paint toy set

Every child loves making a good mess, and why not do it by painting toy sets. This takes painting to a whole new level while also aiding your children in the creative process and trying to spark some creativity.

The idea behind these painting sets is that they already have an initial design, whether it is a tea set, a dinosaur, a birdhouse, or something else. It gives you a baseline to work and to be creative. These toys are becoming more and more popular because it is seen as special, and not something that one plays with every day.



Although Lego is technically another kind of building block, they have so much more to offer, especially if you have older children that need more entertainment and creativity that is suited to their age.

Many Lego sets come with a guide and a design to follow which allows for one to use the critical thinking aspect of their brain while still being creative and having fun.

Science Toys


Last but certainly not least, we have science toys. There is nothing like a good experiment that is both fun and safe for children to participate in. this is a great way for you to spend time with your child while doing an activity.

Science toys of very engaging and interactive and require attention throughout the entire process. These toys are becoming increasingly popular as time goes by because of just how much fun they offer and the kind of creativity they can spark within your child.

There are different science toys suited to children of different ages which means as they get older you will likely always find something that will entertain them.

This post was featured by Twinkl in their Creativity in Children blog

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