8 years and still going strong – Wedding Anniversary

Today Hubby and I are celebrating our 8th Wedding Anniversary and the day started with a giggle as we both opened our cards to see that we had written exactly the same thing in them. Hubby and I are still very much the best friends that we were before we even became a couple, our sense of humour hasn’t changed and our love and respect for each other have only grown (sadly along with our waistbands but you can’t have everything now can you!)

Wedding Anniversary

Tonight we shall be heading out to celebrate whilst my Mum looks after the Beans. Apparently, 8 years is traditional ‘bronze’ or ‘pottery’ so I think we’ll perhaps head out and eat off a plate and slap on some fake tan!!! How do you celebrate your anniversaries, if at all?

8 thoughts on “8 years and still going strong – Wedding Anniversary”

  1. Congrats on your wedding anniversary! Its mine too! Only 3rd year married, but been together ten years with four children, so not doing too bad! 🙂 Our lot decided to cook dinner for us, so wish us luck! Hope you have a lovely meal out! xxx


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