3 Ways to Have Fun With Your Kids This Winter

There’s no question that most of us have had a rough year. The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc across the globe, and most countries aren’t out of the woods yet. With winter just around the corner, you might be wondering what you can do to have fun with your kids and keep them from getting bored as the weather gets colder. 

Thankfully, there are both indoor and outdoor winter activities that both you and your children can enjoy together. If you feel like you’ve been stuck in a “rut” for a while, these boredom busters are great ways to embrace the season and enjoy something new. 


1. Build a Snowman

We had to start with a classic winter activity that never goes out of style. Building a snowman is an outdoor activity that the whole family can enjoy. The adults in the family can handle the heavy lifting of the bottom sections of snow, while the kids can put on the top and decorate. 

If you have enough snow for it, you can even create a whole snow family or other “characters” to go with your initial sculpture. 

If you do plan on spending a lot of time outside, make sure you’re dressing your kids correctly for winter. Ensuring that they are warm and comfortable will help to boost playtime outside. If you’re looking for comfortable play clothes, try places like Balenciaga kids for functional and fashionable clothes your kids will love. 

2. Learn a New Winter Sport

We could all benefit from learning something new this year, and winter is the perfect time to do it. Some of the most popular winter sports for fun with your kids include: 

  • Ice skating
  • Skiing
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Hockey
  • Snowboarding
  • Snowshoeing

Learning something new and getting your kids involved is a great way to strengthen your family bond and make the most of the season. Plus, if you’re trying to stay healthy over the winter months, many of these sports are great ways to stay in shape. Skiing can burn hundreds of calories in just one hour. So, manage your health and try something different this year to keep everyone happy. 

3. Build an Indoor Igloo

If it’s just too cold outside or it’s snowing too hard, you might have to move your winter fun indoors for a while. But, you can still celebrate the season by creating an indoor “igloo” from supplies around your house. Cardboard boxes, blankets, pillows, and chairs set up in specific ways are all great options for creating an igloo fort indoors. Once you have the structure built, consider having a “movie night” With your kids where you watch one of their favorite movies from within the fort – don’t forget the snacks!

These suggestions are really just the beginning when it comes to winter activities you can do with your kids. Whether you’re a lover of snow and can’t wait to get outside or staying in doors is more your speed, you can’t go wrong with being creative this season to keep your family happy. 

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