10 Ways to Reduce Humidity at Home

High temperatures can lead to high humidity levels in the home. This is because sweat from our bodies evaporates and spreads moisture through the air. The same goes for cooking, showering, or any other type of activity that causes water vapour to be released into the air.

Reduce Humidity at Home

And when we measure indoor relative humidity, it can exceed what is considered healthy by up to 10%. What’s more, this excess moisture can cause a variety of problems, including plant rot and respiratory infections in humans. Fortunately, there are ways to lower indoor relative humidity at home:

1. Use Air Conditioners

Invest in air conditioning units if possible – this will keep your indoor humidity levels under control during high temperatures and reduce the chances of mould growth inside the house.

In addition, set them up so they’re pushed out into space from the window rather than down onto furniture, which may be sensitive to water condensation (like wood). If you have space or budget constraints, then consider looking for a cheap portable air conditioner that can be placed in the room you’re occupying or moving into temporarily.

2. Dry clothes outside

washing line

If possible, hang wet clothing outside during humid weather so it will absorb moisture in the atmosphere and then evaporate into thin air – which removes dampness from indoor spaces as well! This tip works great if you have some space outdoors or near a window that gets plenty of natural sunlight, too, since those two combined will aid in drying clothes faster than just one or the other would on their own. It takes about 45 minutes for clothes up to about 25 pounds to dry in the sun.

3. Make sure there’s good ventilation

When windows aren’t well-sealed, or airflow isn’t adequate, humid air can build up indoors easily because it has nowhere else to go outside of those rooms – which means all sorts of problems down the line for homeowners! A small investment now could save you lots later on, too, since warm outdoor temperatures often lead to an increased need for indoor cooling methods as well, which creates more opportunities for a buildup of humidity if the problem isn’t addressed.

4. Decorate with plants

Decorate with plants

Plants provide natural air filters and humidifiers, so they’re a great way to keep things feeling fresh in your home! Why not try placing some of these around your house or apartment? We recommend keeping them away from vents for safety reasons, though – check out how clean air can be hazardous, too, if you want to learn more about that.

5. Keep up with bathroom maintenance

From fixing leaks in old pipes to just regularly cleaning surfaces like tubs, sinks, and toilets (and especially showers), it’s important to stay attentive when it comes to preventing water build-up as well as mould growth which is very common in damp environments such as bathrooms too! It also helps to keep the lint filter on your dryer clean because this can also lead to high humidity levels in a home if it’s not maintained.

6. Wipe down surfaces

High humidity levels mean that more moisture will be present, so wiping up spills and damp spots is important! It helps prevent mould from forming, which can really damage furniture and other household items. Consider using an eco-friendly cleaner such as Natural Laundry Detergent or Lemon Cidex – both of these are made without harmful chemicals like bleach, chlorine, or ammonia. As a bonus, they’re also biodegradable, making them great for the environment!

7. Use dehumidifiers

dehumidifier 1
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If your home has high relative humidity levels, then consider investing in a dehumidifier that can automatically remove moisture from the house by pulling dampness out of the air. This will greatly reduce mould growth and also help with respiratory problems caused by increased exposure to allergens like pollen, dust mites, pet dander, etc.

There are several types of units available in the market, including models specifically designed for individuals with asthma or allergies and ones that come equipped with filters, so they’re easy to maintain. Your local hardware store will be a good place to start your search for the best models and brands for your home.

8. Use exhaust fans while showering and cooking

Humid air rises; this is why, when you open a window in your home on a hot day, the cooler air from outside will naturally flow downward and out of your house. But if it’s not being replaced by fresh outdoor air, then what happens inside stays there as well-not good! So while cooking or showering (or any other activity that causes water vapour to be released into the air), make sure an exhaust fan is also turned on, so those extra humid molecules are sucked up and out of the room.

9. Clean up any spills on carpet or floors right away

If you have carpeting or flooring that is prone to absorbing water, then spills should be cleaned up as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they will continue to seep into the porous material and cause it to become wetter overall-which leads back again to higher levels of humidity in your home.

10. Use charcoal briquettes

Charcoal briquettes will help to lower the levels of humidity in your home. It’s a great alternative for anyone who is sensitive or allergic to typical air fresheners and sprays because it doesn’t leave behind any harsh aromas after it has been used. All you need are some tongs, an oven mitt, aluminium foil, and a charcoal briquet holder (or something like that).

Place the briquettes at one end of a loaf pan and cover them with aluminium foil. Place this in an oven heated to 300 degrees for about 30 minutes, then remove it from the heat. Allow it to cool before handling it (again using tongs) as there will be hot steam coming off of the aluminium-covered briquettes. Once you have done that, wrap your hand around them and gently transfer them into their holder or whatever receptacle you are planning on placing them in and allow them to do their job overnight or all day long!


Leaving in humid conditions all the time can lead to serious health issues. Fortunately, these tips can help you minimize the humidity in your home and improve the air quality.

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