Look at this little monkey, isn’t he just the cheekiest? Little Bean had a sleepover at my Mum’s last night so Beanie Boy has had Mummy and Daddy all to himself and he has revelled in all the attention. He has learnt how to blow raspberries now and his favourite place is Daddy’s tummy, which Daddy hates because he is very ticklish. All the more fun for Beanie Boy!
In recent weeks we have really noticed how much Beanie Boy’s sense of humour is developing. The funniest thing is how funny he finds himself, he will do something and laugh his socks off. It’s infectious though because you just can’t help laughing, not when he looks like this.
I think we (and future teachers) will have their work cut out with this one, he is definitely going to be a lovable rogue!
This put a massive smile on my face too – its infectious over the net too