Why You Can’t Concentrate Properly (And How To Solve The Problem)

Not being able to concentrate on what you’re doing is never a nice experience. You’d love for your work to go swimmingly, but no matter how hard you try, brain fog and distractions get in the way. 

That’s where this post can help. We look at why you might not be able to concentrate properly and what you can do about it. Here’s everything you need to know: 

Starting with the obvious, you might not be sleeping enough. Lacking a suitable amount of time in bed doesn’t give your brain the space it needs to rest and recover. 

Therefore, you’ll want to focus on your bedtimes and get better at going to sleep and waking up on a schedule. Don’t focus too much on sleep. Just maintain proper sleep hygiene and ensure you’re doing all the right things (such as not checking emails from your boss in the middle of the night). 

Another problem that leads to trouble concentrating is stress. Feeling overwhelmed by everything can get in the way of solving problems and doing well in the workplace. You’re not at your best when you’re panicking!

To deal with this, you might want to find ways to manage your stress. What works varies from person to person. For some, it’s using lions mane gummies; for others it’s meditation. Whatever works for you, that’s what you should do. 

Keep experimenting until you find a formula. Sometimes, your life requires small modifications, while other times, you need to make sweeping changes, like adjusting your career. 

A poor diet can also make it more challenging to concentrate. Pumping yourself full of sugary foods and fatty meats damages the brain and can lead to inflammation which makes it more challenging to know what to do next. 

If you have a problem with your diet, work to fix it by changing one thing at a time. Move away from conventional breakfast cereals to oats, or stop snacking late at night. Then, once you master these moves, try adding other things, like eating a green salad every day or consuming more berries. 

Once you get into these habits, you should notice concentration issues start to subside. It won’t be perfect immediately, but it can help. 

Remember when multitasking was a sign of professional greatness? Well, not anymore. The science is clear that people perform worse when they try to focus on more than one thing at a time. It hampers concentration and prevents you from drilling down into the things that matter. 

Again, if you’re in this position, stop immediately. Don’t try to do everything at once. Instead, block your time so you are only focusing on one thing at a given point in the day. Do your best to ignore interruptions. While they might be a hassle, it prevents you from switching between tasks and losing the momentum you’ve gained. At the end of the day, you should find you’ve got more done. 

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