The beginning of the holiday?

As you may have noticed I have a few guest posts popping up on my site this week which I’m loving, its nice to see something a bit different on Mummy Matters.  I wasn’t sure how much time, if any, I would get to spend on my blog this week and I didn’t want to disappointment my regular readers with lack of material.

So, if you haven’t already noticed, I’m on holiday with my mum, little bean, and beanie boy this week.  We have come to Broadlands Holiday Park at Corton, just off the A12 between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft.  We arrived on Sunday to grey skies and high winds.  Thankfully, it stopped long enough for us to empty the car and set up camp in our mobile home before heading off to the huge Tesco’s in Great Yarmouth to stock up on food and goodies for the week.  It was raining so heavily that it sounded like Tesco had an ill-tuned radio blasting throughout the store.  Never mind, we’d just have to ‘waste’ time looking around the clothes, toys and DVDs whilst we waited for our opportunity to run to the car.  We had intended on going for a walk around the caravan site and checking out the entertainment centre, but the children were very tired and cranky, and the rain was still persisting, so we decided to shut ourselves in for the night and let the children catch up much-needed sleep ready for our first day yesterday.

Snuggling under blanket

Unfortunately, our day began yesterday at the rather early time of 5.30 am because the caravan was sooooo cold, so we all camped out in the lounge with the fire on and huddled under blankets in front of a DVD.  As I was looking for something in a cupboard, I discovered the heating controls, which I’m sure couldn’t have been there the day before.  Within half an hour the caravan was beautifully warm, oh well, at least we would be warm in bed at night now. 

Upon checking the weather forecast, it didn’t look good; rain was interspersed with rain.  I could feel a trip to the shops coming to find a warmer jacket for Beanie Boy (yeah, ok, and perhaps a spot of retail therapy for Mum and I!!).  As it so happens, I spotted with a little jump for joy a TK Maxx just 5 minutes down the road from the caravan site, so we headed there and to Next, who had their fabulous sale on.  I still had vouchers left over from my birthday so I was able to treat myself to a few little bits and pieces, and I managed to find Beanie Boy a nice coat to protect him from the elements.


At lunchtime we headed to the sea front at Great Yarmouth to get some fish and chips, I think its law that you have to have fish and chips when you visit the seaside!!  Then we hit a few arcades and basically checked out what was on offer in Great Yarmouth to keep the children entertained for the duration of our holiday.  The Sea Life Centre is a must as Little Bean loves fish, so we are heading there on Thursday when heavy rain is forecast, at least we will be indoors.  We might also check out the Model Village if there’s a break in rainfall?

Beanie Boy

Others on our to-do list are Africa Alive, Pettits Animal Farm, Wroxham Barns and possibly the Dinosaur Park, but we’ll have to see how the time and weather work out for us.  Keep your eye out as the week goes on, and I’ll let you know where it is good to go in and around Great Yarmouth.

Ice Cream

. . . Little Bean proudly shows her Ice Cream bubbles that she won at the arcades by blasting rubber ducks with water!

2 thoughts on “The beginning of the holiday?”

    • We definitely are, we had a great day today at Pettits Animal Adventure Park so will be posting about that soon. The sun shone pretty much all day and it definitely made the day even better 🙂


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