Failing to get pregnant after miscarriage? Here are some tips

After a miscarriage, couples dread their next pregnancy. Some women are apprehensive and scared when pregnant after a miscarriage. Others fail to get pregnant. If you are in the latter category, the pain of waiting is unbearable. In a month, the chances of getting pregnant are only 30–60%, making it challenging for couples to conceive after miscarriage. Furthermore, miscarriage can occur as a result of underlying medical conditions. Therefore, knowing about that is necessary to improve your chances of conceiving.

get pregnant after miscarriage

If you are having trouble getting pregnant after a miscarriage, here are a few tips.

Talk to your doctor

If you have had one or two miscarriages and are finding it challenging to conceive, talk to your doctor. You know your body and situation better, and if you have been trying for a while to get pregnant after a miscarriage, talk with your GP or gynaecologist. They can give you better suggestions and advice on how to proceed. Also, after a miscarriage, ask them when you can start trying again for optimal results.

Talk to a fertility specialist

After a miscarriage, if conceiving hasn’t happened for a while, like an entire year, it is best to consult a fertility specialist or a reproductive endocrinologist. These doctors can run an entire panel on you and your partner to determine the main issue. For instance, hormonal changes after a miscarriage might cause problems, or you may suffer from Endometriosis. To cover all bases, they also check the sperm quality. Based on their findings, the specialist can advise you and start treatment.

Take infertility treatment

get pregnant after miscarriage

If the tests from the above point to infertility, don’t worry; there are always options. However, infertility treatments are numerous, complex, painful, and have short-term side effects. So, before agreeing to any treatment, know everything about the treatment and prepare your body and mind for the same.

The first step of a fertility treatment is stimulating your ovaries with drugs, known as timed insemination, like Femara, injectable hormones, and Clomid. It can increase your chances of pregnancy; a few times, mothers had multiple pregnancies.

1. IUI

If timed insemination doesn’t work, the second option is IUI. Intrauterine insemination is a type of artificial insemination used to treat infertility. The procedure includes collecting sperm from your partner, washing and concentrating it, and placing it directly in the uterus. It happens when the ovaries are about to release eggs for fertilization. The hope is for the sperm to fertilize the egg and help you conceive.

2. Surgery for women

Surgery is another option if a woman has fibroids, cysts in her uterus, or fallopian tubes leading to infertility. It can help cure the blockage, allowing sperm to fertilize the egg and helping you get pregnant.

3. Male infertility treatment

Even men can have infertile reproductive organs. Most fertility clinics always test both parents to determine the reason(s) for infertility. Infertility treatment begins if there is a problem with males. First, more tests are conducted, like a scrotal ultrasound, hormone testing, and more. Based on the results, male infertility treatment begins.

4. IVF

The last treatment for conceiving after a miscarriage is IVF. In-vitro fertilization is the process of taking out the best eggs and sperm, fertilizing them in an artificial womb, and inserting them back into the uterus to help you get pregnant. It is a tiring procedure with high success rates.

Other tips

get pregnant after miscarriage

Check your physical and mental health

Whether trying naturally after miscarriage or going for IVF, IUI, or surrogacy, keeping your mental and physical health intact is necessary. Treatments to get pregnant through IVF or even naturally are heavy and take a toll on your health. Therefore, it is necessary that women work on themselves, take a nutritious diet, and also work on their mental health. If you have any side effects from the treatment, talk to your doctor and determine the best way to move forward.

Be positive

A positive attitude and mindset can help you glide through this phase smoothly. Of course, a few people can conceive naturally after one successful IVF or even with treatment and positivity. But for this, positivity is essential.

To conclude, getting pregnant after multiple miscarriages might be easy for some but not for others. Don’t lose hope. There are options to help you bring a child into the world. Also, adoption is always a choice for everyone.

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