Disclosure Policy

Disclosure Policy


Mummy Matters is a personal blog I wrote and edited (Sabina Green). As part of my blog, I love to share my thoughts and opinions on fabulous products and/or services. I will only blog about products/services which are suitable for my family and me. We are given the products/services for free in compensation when I spend writing about them and sharing the news with all of my readers. I will always be open and honest with my opinions, findings, beliefs and experiences. I will always fully disclose if compensation has been received.

Collaborative Work

Being a stay at home Mum, Mummy Matters has also become a source of income to stay at home with my babies. From time to time, I write or publish posts that I am paid for. I only publish articles that I believe are relevant to my readers and always disclose this.

I always write about a product or company as truthfully as possible and observe intellectual property rights.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch via mummymatters@gmail.com