Child’s Health: The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontics treatment is also known as interceptor orthodontic treatment, in which teeth and jaw problems are treated at an early age around 7 to 11 years to prevent dental complications and long-term treatment. Dental trauma is the common cause of early tooth loss, consult with an emergency dentist in London in case of accidental tooth loss so orthodontists take early measures to prevent tooth malalignment.

It is ideally recommended to consult an orthodontist as the first permanent tooth erupts in a child’s oral cavity, around at age of 6 to 7 years. Timely tooth shedding and eruption are crucial to prevent malocclusion. Orthodontists carefully monitor teeth and jaw development and guide them in the correct direction with the help of early orthodontic treatment. Early orthodontist visits increase the chance of early diagnosis and treatment of malocclusion and prevent abnormal jaw growth. During 7 to 11 years jaw bones are developing, Orthodontists or emergency dentist London expertly utilise these spaces to treat malalignments such as crowding, and spacing and correct bite issues such as crossbite, overjet and underbite. some early orthodontics treatments:

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Image by u_ujjgwecwpk from Pixabay

Early orthodontic treatment helps in the early identification of dental problems such as tooth eruption at the abnormal side of the jaw, retaining temporary teeth, and early shedding of permanent teeth due to development disorder, orthodontists take interceptive steps to prevent malalignment, functional and aesthetic problems.

At children’s early age, jaws and teeth are in the developing stage. Abnormalities in jaw development can affect facial aesthetics due to jaw protrusion and retrusion, facial asymmetry and malocclusion in teeth. Orthodontists can modify the jaw growth in the right direction to make a perfect aesthetically pleasing smile.

Children at an early age have the habit of thumb sucking and tongue thrush, prolong practising these habits can disturb front teeth growth, and cause overjet and open bite that affects facial and dental aesthetics, these problems can be corrected by habit breakers.

In the oral cavity, posterior teeth provide functional support, and abnormal upper and lower teeth can cause crossbites that result in problems in chewing food, TMJ pain and disturbed teeth alignment. During jaw development, malocclusion can be controlled better as compared to late orthodontics treatment.

Teeth crowding and spacing can disturb teeth alignment and affect smile and dental health. Orthodontists can correct these with early orthodontics treatment by retaining temporary teeth extraction and modifying permanent teeth growth in an aligned position.

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Image by Günther Braun from Pixabay

Orthodontic treatment provides a perfect smile with good oral health by resolving aesthetic and functional problems. At an early age children’s jaws and teeth are developing, and it is easy for orthodontists to correct jaw growth and align teeth in a reduced treatment period. Early orthodontics treatment offers several benefits such as:

A confident smile is very important for self-esteem. Children hesitate in speaking and smiling due to front teeth malignment, early orthodontic treatment can improve a child’s self-esteem with a perfect smile.

In early orthodontic treatment, orthodontists modify jaw growth in protruded and retruded jaw with the help of functional appliances. Early orthodontic treatment prevents invasive jaw surgery as in late orthodontics treatment jaw abnormality can be corrected by orthognathic surgery.

Early orthodontic treatment improves upper jaw growth which plays an important role in facial symmetry. Functional appliances modify facial bones and help them to grow in symmetrical patterns.

Early tooth shedding or retaining temporary teeth can affect the alignment of permanent teeth. Adjacent teeth move in tooth loss spaces that reduce space for permanent teeth, in early orthodontic treatment orthodontists use space maintainers to maintain space for permanent teeth eruption. Similarly retained temporary teeth also disturbed permanent teeth alignment in early orthodontics treatment, orthodontist extracts retain temporary teeth after carefully evaluating the position of permanent teeth in the radiograph.

Orthodontic problems such as crossbite, and overjet underbite can disturb a child’s oral function such as chewing and speaking. Early orthodontic treatment resolves all these issues and improves oral function.

Misaligned teeth can raise different dental health issues such as gum problems, bad breath and tooth decay. Early orthodontic treatment resolves malalignment and prevents oral health complications such as gum infection, bone resorption and tooth mobility.

In early orthodontic treatment, orthodontists take early intervention with the help of functional appliances and habit breakers that align teeth and make a perfectly functional and aesthetic smile in reduced treatment time.

Early orthodontic treatment improves children’s confidence, oral function and health with regain radiant smile. The parents should consult with an orthodontist to seek early orthodontics treatment in the following conditions.

Early age 7 to 11 years is also known as mixed dentition age, permanent teeth are erupting with temporary teeth shedding. Professional consultation is important to monitor the conditions for taking early intervention to avoid future complex orthodontics issues.

Parents should consult with an orthodontist at the early age of children in case of teeth crowding, spacing, bite problems and jaw irregularities. In early orthodontics treatment, Orthodontists modify the jaw growth and expertly utilize space for teeth alignment.

In early orthodontic treatment, comprehensive treatment options are available to resolve dental issues due to teeth and jaw development such as functional appliances, space maintainers, and habit breakers. In late orthodontics treatment, limited options are available and in severe bite issues and jaw irregularity, orthognathic surgery is the only option remaining to resolve jaw problems.

A child’s comfort level and cooperation are important for early orthodontic treatment. Properly following the Orthodontist’s instructions in wearing functional appliances and attending regular appointments is crucial for fruitful results. Parents should friendly communicate with the child about the treatment goal and discuss anxiety and treatment concerns.

Early orthodontics treatment has significant effects on children’s dental and overall health. Early orthodontics treatment boosts children’s confidence improves dental health and resolves functional and aesthetic problems.

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