6 Healthy Habits for a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is vital to your health. While the actual purpose of sleep is, to some degree, a mystery surrounded by a host of theories, we know what happens if you don’t get enough. Your health tanks. Your energy disappears, stress starts to run rampant, your body gets aches and pains from tension, and you’re even a lot more likely to get ill from bugs. If you’re not getting the sleep you need, you need to start turning the tides now. Here are some healthy habits that can help you get the night’s sleep you need.

If you want to get better sleep each and every day, then you should also try to live to a set sleep schedule every day, as well. Going to bed at the same time each day and waking up at the same time each helps to set your internal clock. Following that clock will see you waking up and falling asleep much more easily at the expected time, as well. Make it easier on yourself by creating a relaxing bedtime routine that sees you winding down, and avoiding stimulating activities too close to your targeted sleep time.

The bedroom should represent the ideal sanctuary to sleep in. There’s a lot that you can do to better help it fit your needs. For one, try to embody a comfortable and warm decor style, so that it becomes a relaxing space to simply spend more time in. When you’re trying to sleep, keeping it cool, dark, and quiet can help you avoid any distractions and slip off into sleep without too much hassle. The bed plays a huge role as well. Make sure that you choose the right type of mattress to support your sleeping position, as well as breathable sheets that are comfortable and warm, but don’t become sweat traps later in the night.

While they may help you get through the day, you should be mindful of using any stimulants when you go to sleep. Not taking caffeine before bed might make immediate sense as we associate caffeine with waking up, but nicotine can be just as much of a stimulant, blocking the chemical that promotes sleepiness in the brain. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid drinking any caffeine 6 hours before bedtime. If you find yourself in need of a hot drink, you can try a herbal tea instead.

There are supplements you can take alongside your diet that can improve your chances of a peaceful night’s rest. Melatonin is routinely prescribed to help people sleep, especially in cases of jet lag or having an odd sleep schedule, as it mimics the natural sleep hormones posed by the body. For others, taking CBD gummies for sleep can become a part of their daily routine. These gummies naturally promote relaxation, which can help you settle down and get ready for bed, especially when combined with a calming nighttime ritual like a cup of herbal tea or reading a book before bed.

In a world as digitally connected as we live in, where we have at least one screen close by no matter what room we’re in, it’s very easy to let the hours go by on your phone or look at your monitor. While this might not be a problem during the day, it can definitely be an issue at night. The blue light given off by digital screens is by now well-known to drastically worsen sleep quality, making it harder to drift off at night. Try to avoid using screens too much for up to an hour before going to bed.

If you’re looking to avoid spending too much time with your face in front of a screen before bed, then replacing it with another routine activity can help. One that you might want to consider is deep breathing exercises. These can calm the nervous system, reducing stress, and lowering the heart rate to help you more easily transition into sleep. The 4-7-method, which sees you inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale slowly for 8 seconds, repeating the cycle, is a widely popular method

Incorporate the habits above and they can start to make a measurable difference in both the quantity and quality of sleep that you get. From there, you should start to notice differences in how you feel, how you get through the day, and even how often you get sick.

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