6 Common Issues Your Teenager Might Struggle With

The teenage years are marked by rapid changes in physical appearance, emotions, and interactions. Teens go through various struggles, making this a challenging time for them.

It can be tough for parents to respond to their teens properly. While parents themselves were teens, they probably aren’t too well versed in handling whatever issues their teens face. It could be due to various reasons, including generational divide or simply being out-of-touch.


Either way, there are some common issues your teenager will probably struggle with. In this post, we’ll go over six of them.

Trying to fit in

At this point in a teen’s life, they are becoming acutely aware of what is considered “cool.” Typically, teenagers want to be cool and fit in with their peers. 

Teens might look up to celebrities or strive for an idealized body shape or image that they see on television. This can be a huge source of anxiety for teenagers who do not fall into the ideal image of what is beautiful. This pressure may be especially strong for girls, as they are objectified in media and advertisements more than boys are.

Feeling misunderstood

As children get older, they sometimes feel like their parents do not “get it.” They think that their parents are too old to understand their feelings or opinions, which can cause a lot of frustration in the household. 

If teenagers feel like their parents do not support them in making healthy choices despite all their efforts, it often leaves teenagers feeling frustrated and misunderstood. They might end up feeling disappointed in their parents and start to act rebellious. 

Drinking and trying drugs

6 Common Issues Your Teenager Might Struggle With 1

As children get older, they might experiment with different substances. For teens, alcohol and drugs can often seem like a fun experience. There is a good chance your teenager’s peers may pressure your teen into drinking or taking drugs, especially if they are interested in starting as well. It’s not terribly hard for teens to get drugs or alcohol, either. 

If not properly educated about the effects of these substances, teens may end up making some poor decisions while under the influence. It can also be helpful for teenagers to have a strong sense of self-esteem and know how to say “no” to peer pressure.

Sex and relationships

Some teenagers are curious about sex. They might have picked up on how it’s done from various media sources, or they may want to pursue sex with a partner. 

Having open communication about sex and sexuality is important between parents and teens, especially if there are concerns about teen pregnancy or STDs. It’s also important for teens to know they don’t have to have sex unless they feel ready. 

Pressure to meet high standards

Teens are often under pressure to succeed in terms of academics and sports. This can be due to external factors, such as parents wanting their child to go to a good school or pressuring them into an area where they might excel (such as science or technology). However, sometimes teens feel like they have high expectations put on them they cannot meet, leading to a lot of stress and anxiety.

This can be an even bigger issue for teenagers who do not feel like they excel in one area or another. They may start to feel inadequate and that their parents are disappointed in them.

Not knowing what they want for the future


After high school, there are a lot of choices to make about the future. Often teenagers have not discovered what they want from life, so they try different things to find out what works for them. There may be a lot of pressure from peers or parents about their future, but this can cause a lot of anxiety and stress for teenagers who are not sure what they want to do with their lives.

It can be helpful for teenagers to realize there is no rush, and it’s okay if they take some time to think about their future. It can also help if parents acknowledge this as well and provide support instead of putting pressure on their children.

While these are a few of the most common issues teenagers go through, they will not be going through them alone. It can help to have support from parents and other trusted adults in their lives who understand what they are going through and will be there as a listening ear. 

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20 thoughts on “6 Common Issues Your Teenager Might Struggle With”

  1. I remember struggling with some of this stuff and we moved a lot as a kid so trying to fit in was difficult. I am happy to be able to relate to my teen but I know it is so difficult to understand someone else experience. It does help to have that in common though.

  2. 1005 totally agree with you and it can be a difficult time where decisions can impact you in later life. Brilliant article and agree teens need to be string and engage the skills to be able to say NO xx

    • That’s the one thing I am trying hard to teach my children, that’s it’s ok to say no and stand by your beliefs rather than being a sheep but it’s difficult because at that age you don’t want to stand out x

  3. I read this post and started to feel a little bit of panic. I know my four children will have to face all these challenges at some point, and I am trying my best to prepare them from now. But the ultimate decision will lie with them. I have seven years and three months and about four days before my eldest becomes a teenager, and I am so not ready.

    • I think the biggest thing to remember is that you care, if you didn’t you wouldn’t be panicking. You have managed to raise your children just fine following your intuition thus far and I am sure you will continue to nail it. We ALL have good days and bad days and ALL parents struggle from time to time. You got this xx

  4. I do not miss that phase! It’s a really difficult time in your life because of the amount of pressure we put on young people to have their lives mapped out figured out at such an early age which I think also contributes to the anxiety they face. The peer pressure is even worse.

    • I fully agree, the peer pressure I think is the hardest. The biggest thing for me is for my children to know their own minds and not feel pressured into going against things that don’t feel right to them x

    • This is a conversation I have had lots with my children recently. I still didn’t know when I was leaving school what I wanted to do and my careers teacher was USELESS! I panicked and fell into my first job. Ultimately I didn’t find a job I loved until well into my twenties and then again after having children. I told my children what an old boss said to me, “as a general rule we don’t retire until we are into our 60s so that’s a good 40+ years of a career. You can afford a few years to work things out whilst you mature and find not only what you are good at but what you enjoy”. I hate to say it, because I actually didn’t like him much, but he was right xx

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