If you have a big family, keeping on top of things can get tricky sometimes. There are plenty of ways to improve your laundry station, and here are five that you should try:
Keep it Tidy

Whether you have a designated laundry room or not, having organised storage can really help speed up the whole process, plus it makes it easier for the whole family to find what they need. Getting the kids involved in chores is good to build up their responsibilities, so making the space usable for them is something to keep in mind. Chemicals like laundry detergent should be stored in high cupboards, well out of reach from the kids. Things that they can help with could include hanging out the washing on the line. Keep your pegs in a child-friendly peg bag because having extra pairs of hands to help you out will get the job done faster. Clearly labelled laundry baskets will help them out too. If they learn to separate their clothes, then you can wash your separates much easier.
Keep it Clean
Your washing machine does plenty of cleaning for you, but you also have to return the favour. Taking care of your washing machine will ensure it runs smoothly and increases its lifespan. Cleaning your washing machine doesn’t have to be hard, and it doesn’t take long either. You probably have what you need in the cupboard too! Whilst there are products you can buy, vinegar and baking soda are all you need to bring your washing machine back to its fresh and shiny self. Using natural cleaning products is also good to reduce the dangerous chemicals in your household, saving you money too! If you want to take it a step further, consider switching to homemade detergents/detergent sheets and cleaning sprays – there are many great recipes online to make your own.
Pretty Practical
Having a designated laundry space can really make things more practical, so it is also something to consider for those planning to move house and have a large family. Just because it is a room for laundry doesn’t mean it can’t be stylish. Having a room that looks nice will make you much happier to spend time in it, so don’t forget to give it some decorative love too. You are also more inclined to keep it tidy and nice if it’s decorated well, too, so get creative to make the laundry space a happier place!
Go Big
If you have a large family, then you have a larger amount of washing. Whilst it may take more money to get a bigger washing machine, it is well worth the investment. The load size and capacity increase, which means that you can wash more clothes each time. This all adds up, and you’ll find you will get through your laundry piles much faster. You will also be doing fewer washes and using less water and electricity to get through the same amount of laundry as you normally would.
Buy Clever
When making any purchases, particularly if you decide to invest in a large washing machine, it pays to research. You should opt for a reliable brand and comes with a good level of service if anything should happen to your washing machine. The last thing you need to disrupt your routine is for the washing machine to break down, so have a repair or replace service ready if the worst should happen. It would help if you always read the manual guide when you get a new appliance, as it contains valuable information which will make sure it stays in good shape. It will also be the first option when you need to troubleshoot something. If you have lost the guide, check the internet; for example, Zanussi washing machine manuals can be found online.
Making a few small changes can make chores like doing the laundry so much simpler and easier, so hopefully, these tips will help make your life a little bit easier!