How to Financially Survive the Holiday Season?

The fast-approaching holiday season brings in joy, love and a lot of expenses. Whether you’re a single parent or the sole earner of a large family, the holiday season can be especially stressful. However, with adequate planning, you can enjoy the cheer and leave the stress behind. 

Right from buying presents to participating in obligatory social gatherings, holidays can put a major hole through your wallet. In this post, we’re sharing our top tips on how to financially survive the holiday season and participate in the festivities without worries.

Start in advance

Holiday Season

You shouldn’t wait right around the holiday season to sort your finances. You should start at least a couple of months prior, if not a year. Make a realistic budget taking into account all the expenses you’re likely to incur and compare it with how much you’ll be able to save by then.

Starting in advance will get you prepared and help you avoid last-minute stress.

Prioritise purchases

Make a detailed list of everything you need to purchase for the holiday season. Next, go through this list and strike out the things you can do without. Do you really need to purchase a whole new outfit? Do you really need to get the house repainted?

It’s imperative to prioritise your purchases and eliminate inessential expenses.

Borrow wisely

Looking at the festivities around, you might need some extra funds. Instead of asking your friends and family for the money, consider taking out a fast cash loan. This quick loan can patch you through the holiday season. 

DIY gifts

Christmas craft

The price tag isn’t the sole factor that decides the value of a gift. You can create thoughtful presents that your loved ones will appreciate more than anything money could buy. If you’re struggling financially, put any issues aside and consider telling your family and friends about your situation.  This way the pressure of buying gifts will lessen. 

Look for deals

Thanks to the wonderful perks of online shopping, we have access to a variety of stores worldwide. Instead of shopping at the last minute, purchase presents during sale seasons. Often, you can find heavily-discounted things during the off-seasons.

Plan travels early

If you’re planning to visit your family or friends for the holidays, book your tickets as soon as possible. Tickets, especially plane tickets cost a fortune during the holiday season. You should put an alert on the tickets you need, which will allow you to purchase them at the lowest rate. 

Get a second job

If your schedule allows it, try to take up an extra shift or a second job. As it’s the holiday season, many employees will be on leave, which gives you an opportunity to make some extra cash.

Limit party appearances


Holiday season implies countless parties. Parties are more or less the same. Someone drinks too much, the food is mediocre and there’s an inevitable fallout. If you want to save more you should cut back on socialising. Try to only attend gatherings of your close friends and family.

Track your spending

Keep a detailed track of everything you spend. This will help you control your money better and be better able to financially survive the holiday season. To make this easier, you can download an expense tracking app on your phone.

Avoid putting too much pressure on yourself

The onset of the holiday season brings this enormous pressure to have fun, no matter the price. Try focusing on spending time and sharing the love with your friends and family.

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