What Unconventional Ways Mums Can Use to Learn More About Their Children

The mother-child relationship is one of the most important in a person’s life. Mothers are always curious about their children and want to know everything they can about them. This is, however, easier said than done. Children can be sneaky and sometimes mum won’t know all there is to know about her children until they’re much older and tell her themselves. When mothers feel like they don’t know enough, it can be frustrating, but there are some unconventional ways that you might not have thought of before that will help you to get to know your child better. Learn more about them below.

Calculate Their Life Path Number


According to numerology, your life path number generally indicates the path your life would take. It is important to calculate this number because it will tell you how to get the best out of your life and help guide you in the right direction. You’d need your date of birth in calculating your life path number. It will tell you what’s in store for your future and whether or not your child’s behaviour is normal.

Keeping Track of Their Online History

You can know more about your children by keeping track of their online history. There are many different tools that parents can use to track what their children are up to on the Internet. For example, there are various websites that allow you to monitor your child’s Instagram or Facebook account so that nothing is left out. You might also consider using an app like Kaspersky’s Safe Kids that allows you to track your child’s online activity and view their social media posts, texts, photos, and videos.

Spying on Their Mobile Phones

Yeah yeah, we know how that sounds. Don’t forget, however, that this article is covering only unconventional ways. What’s more unconventional than spying on their mobile phone and seeing things that interest them. There are a number of apps out there that allow you to do just this. One of the most useful is FlexiSPY which is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. It captures everything your child does on their phone, whether it’s using an app, going on social media, or checking their GPS location. 

You may not want to read through all of your child’s text messages as it is important to know when to stop. But spying on their mobile phones can be a great way for you to see things that they may not want you to know about. They may have downloaded an app on the phone without your knowledge which is a potential danger.

How Your Child Acts Around You When You’re Home

There are certain things that children do around you that don’t seem to make sense and you may think they’re trying to hide something from you. However, they may not realize that you can see or hear them. For example, they might try to call a friend when they know you’re in the other room and then hang up quickly when they discover that you’re there. They may also keep their bedroom door locked when they think you aren’t looking. Keep an eye on your child when you’re at home and make sure to be mindful of their behaviour around the house.

Pay Attention to The Kinds of Friends They Keep

What Unconventional Ways Mums Can Use to Learn More About Their Children 1

A person’s choice of friends is very important and you can learn a lot about your child by keeping an eye on their social circle. If they have many friends that aren’t similar to them, this might indicate that they want to branch out and try new things or be with people who like doing things that they may not like. This is not necessarily a bad thing, however, you should pay attention to the kind of friends that they’re hanging around with.

If they’re wanting to meet new people and make more friends, there may be something wrong in their life at home or school that needs to be resolved. It’s best if you welcome them with open arms rather than worry too much about it. Of course, you should always spend time with them so that they know they are loved and have a family that will fight for them.

Conduct Social Experiments

There may be instances where you can tell that something is up with your children, but they won’t tell you why. It might be just a feeling that you have about their mood or behaviour, but it could also be because of the way they act around certain people. They might act differently when talking to their friends than when talking to family. This might give you a clue as to what activities they’re doing and the kind of attitudes that they have these days.

If your child is having trouble at school then this might be evident when talking to them about it or around their teachers and other parents. If they’re feeling stressed out about something, perhaps sports, then you might notice that they are more on edge around people who are involved in sports themselves.

Mothers are often in constant worry about their children. They want nothing but the best for them, which is why many mothers take measures to know all they can about their kids. There are a number of ways that mums can learn more about what’s going on with their children. In this article, we’ve discussed some of these methods.

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