Bike Commuting: Getting Started

If you want to commute to work and use a healthy method of doing so, now is the perfect time to consider bike commuting. By riding your bike to and from work, you promote physical and mental wellbeing. Not to mention, this reduces your carbon footprint. Let’s look at how you can get started.

If you have an extremely long commute to work, biking may not be an option right now. As you build up endurance, you may be able to switch over to a biking commute. You may have other options to help cut back on the distance. Consider driving part of the way to work in your car. Once you park, you can unload your bike from your vehicle and ride it the rest of the way. This can save you money not only on gas but also on parking. If you can find a parking lot that is more affordable outside of the main city where you work, biking the rest of the way is ultra-affordable. 

Make sure to practice safe riding each time you head out. Some basic safety guidelines include following all traffic rules, using designated bike lanes when available, making yourself visible with reflectors and bright clothing, signalling all turns and making sure you are wearing the appropriate safety gear, including a well-fitted helmet. This includes a helmet and other things like reflective clothing. Learn and understand when to use certain hand gestures when you’re going to be turning. 

Have a backup plan if the weather outside doesn’t bode well for a successful bike ride or you’re just not feeling up to riding that day. You can always drive your vehicle to work or carpool with someone else who lives near you and is headed in the same direction.

Ideally, you should wear comfortable and safe clothing that is intended for bike riding. You can change into your work attire when you arrive at the office. Bring your clothing with you in a backpack. Make sure that you have items on hand to freshen up if you worked up a sweat on your ride in. This includes deodorant, body wipes, etc.

You don’t want your first commute to be on an actual day of work. Take a test ride in the days leading up to your bike commuting debut. This will give you an indication of how long it takes to ride to work, different traffic considerations, and more. 

Keep your bike in good condition by using inspections and tune-ups regularly. This will ensure you’re safe during your commute and protect the integrity of your bike. Always plan ahead for your biking commute, ensuring you have everything you need for a safe ride.

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