Saturday Snippets (on Sunday) – 31/01/2015


{Eating} lots of yummy birthday cake! I made a rather delicious (if I do say so myself) Chocolate Hedgehog for Jelly Bean’s second birthday yesterday. Little Bean and Beanie Boy aren’t overly keen on normal birthday cake with jam and cream in the middle but chocolate is always a winner in this house so I thought back to my childhood and a hedgehog cake my Mum made for me sprang to mind. This is probably my easiest and best creation so far!


{Happy} that Jelly Bean’s birthday went without a hitch. Jelly Bean had fun from start to finish (if you don’t count when he fell over in the lounge and cut his hand. Four plasters (he kept peeling them off) and one bandage later (to keep the last plaster on) he finally stopped crying and sticking his finger nails into the cut. Jelly Bean was spoilt rotten with lots of lovely presents (yes he did get his own ‘baby’) and I’m happy to say that he sat and played with each and every one of his new presents. It’s so nice to see a child who would rather play with the present he has opened instead of tearing through the next wrapped present. I wonder how long this will last?


{Relieved} that Little Bean’s school trip to York went without a hitch. I did try not to worry about it too much but she’s my baby and I’m her Mummy so it goes with the territory that I will be on edge if she leaves town for the day without me and even more so when going on a train!!

{Experimenting} with my new toy. Before Christmas I took the plunge and bought myself a Go Pro camera to record our family life in a unique way. Once it was here I just kept looking at it hoping it would jump up and tell me what to do but then I decided the only way to work it out was to play around and experiment so that’s what I’m doing. Fingers crossed!

{Sore} I had a minor op on Friday, nothing to worry about but still I have been anaesthetised, cut open, had something removed and then stitched back up again. It’s sore!!

{Watching} Les Miserables – that is the exact reason this post is being written on Sunday instead of Saturday. For some reason last night I decided I wanted to watch Les Miserables again so Hubby and I chilled out after our busy day and yes, we may have shed a few tears. Well it’s not called “Les Happy” now is it?!

#SaturdaySnippets is the brainchild of Jax at Making It Up and I love the idea so I have joined in.


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