Pregnancy journey – Feeling RESTLESS!!!

I’ve got some updates as we inch closer to the due date, which is just around the corner at 37 weeks (on Monday, to be exact). Restlessness has become my new best friend, and I’m not sure I like it!

Feeling Like a Waddling Penguin

Waddling penguin

Everything is getting increasingly uncomfortable, and I’ve adopted what I can only describe as a rather ungainly waddle when I walk – not exactly the picture of grace, I must admit. My bump seems to grow by the minute, and I half-expect my belly button to start opening up under the strain!

The Urge to Nest

I’m typically quite the outdoorsy person, always on the move, exploring new places with Little Bean at least three times a week. But lately, all I want is to be at home. Tomorrow, we get the keys to our new house, and the excitement is palpable. I can’t wait to pack up and move in, but there’s a catch. Whenever I attempt to pack or move around too much, I feel incredibly lightheaded and need a seat. It’s frustrating when you’re used to being active.

The Dining Table Saga

My days at home mainly involve sitting at the dining table because those chairs provide much-needed support. On the other hand, our super comfy leather suite just swallows me up, and getting back up from it feels like a Herculean task. Rib pain has been a constant companion during this pregnancy, and it seems to kick in earlier each day. By evening, sitting becomes a real challenge due to the pain.

Endless Waiting

Feeling Restless

I don’t recall feeling this drained during my pregnancy with Little Bean, although I did get a bit fed up, especially when she arrived two weeks late. Now, with just over three weeks to go (possibly more if this baby decides to be fashionably late), I already feel like an old woman. Have I really aged so quickly?

Pregnancy’s Unpleasant Sidekicks

The part I dread the most about pregnancy? The constant urge to pee and the uninvited guest, named constipation. I won’t go into the gory details, but suffice it to say that I’m dealing with some severe stomach discomfort exacerbated by the iron tablets I’m taking for anaemia. The pharmacist has me on this not-so-appetizing Fibogel, which turns me into a child with my gagging and disgusted expressions.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel

Well, as they say, this too shall pass. Soon, I’ll be sleep-deprived, putting the milk on the kettle stand and the kettle in the fridge, all thanks to my new bundle of joy and my ever-so-excited 2-year-old. I hope we’re settled in our new house before the little one decides to make an appearance.

Enough of my moaning for now. It’s time for Little Bean’s nap, so maybe Mummy can sneak in a quick forty winks, too!

2 thoughts on “Pregnancy journey – Feeling RESTLESS!!!”

  1. Awww those last few weeks are such hard work! Everything is just such a huge mammoth effort! Hope you get into the new house before the baby arrives!!! But yes fully agree its so annoying when you are usually active and you just can’t be!
    And of course the worry of being out on your own and your waters breaking starts soon…. 😉

    • Ah thank you, I’m so pleased that you agree the last weeks are hard work – I feel like such a moaning minnie today!
      I’m already starting to get nervous about going out on my own, the only direction I will drive in is in the same direction as the hospital!!

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