One week until Lillie will be starting school . . .

Next Monday will be Lillie’s first day at Primary School and whilst I can’t guarantee that I won’t cry as I say goodbye to her, I’m feeling surprisingly good about it at the moment. My little girl is growing up so fast and she CAN’T WAIT to get to school.

School Ready

She is so excited about starting school, in fact, she is getting a little bit ahead of herself because this morning she was telling me she will soon be old enough to go to big school (by which she means Junior School) because she WANTS to do homework and projects “just like Bro”. I have no doubt that this will all change rapidly but you know I’m so excited for her, it’s really hard to not get drawn in by her enthusiasm.

Big Sister Advice

As we drove past her new school this morning I commented that next Monday she will finally be starting school and that in just a few weeks Beanie Boy will be starting at pre-school. I had to laugh as she came over all big sister putting on her best ‘big sister’ voice (which is really squeaky and high) and told Beanie Boy “you’ll love it, you can do playdoh and building blocks, you can play in the home corner with the baby dolls, you can do dress up and puzzles and the ladies are really nice”. Now that nearly made me cry!!

End of an era – feeling lucky

This is the end of an era of being a stay at home Mummy and I have loved every single minute of it. Yes, it’s been stressful but I wouldn’t trade my time with my babies for all the tea in China, it’s moments like these above that I will treasure forever.

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